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I have a question regarding Katib ul Kateeb. If both couples have already done Kutb Al-Kitab and both parents from some reason change their minds and both the male and female continue with the marriage without blessings from spouse's parents. Would this be considered Haraam or would it be considered as eloping. Can you please verify from an.. More
Please answer me as soon as possible for my question No. 285004 because it looks like it is not a valid Nikaah because in your Fatwa: 81385 you said the Nikaah is not valid and my wife is coming in 15 days to the United State, I would like to know as soon as possible before she comes, that way they can do the Nikaah Aakd again and tell me if.. More
I am a Muslim man living in the United States. I am engaged to a Christian woman. Her parents approve of a civil marriage. Her parents however do not approve of an Islamic marriage; they do not approve of any ceremony performed by a Muslim judge; and they do not want to be part of it.
I have asked the brothers at the local Islamic Center whether.. More
I have a series of questions regarding the Nikaah process. For starters, how old should the Gawah (witnesses) be; is there an age limit? Also, a Nikaah is not valid without the consent of a Wali; what would classify as a Wali? Moreover, if 2 Muslims from different sects of Islam, for example, a Sunni and a shiite were to get married, would they.. More
It is said that a woman cannot marry without her guardian's consent. I'm nearly 50 years old and have no family left living. I've been divorced for several years and wish to remarry now. I happen to live in an area where there is no Masjid or any other Muslims for many miles...except one. There is a Muslim convert in the same small town. We wish.. More
Which of thetwo marriage contracts is valid and applicable? I am married to my wife based on two marriage contracts, where the first marriage was prior to declaring it in writing, we did marry based on Abu Haneefah sect where she stated that 'Ismah is in her hand as well, i.e. she can divorce herself and the first was verbally in front of two.. More
A Muslim girl was married to a Muslim man at the court, because her father did not support her marriage with the man following a misunderstanding between the girl's parent and that of the man. The girl's father even treated to disowned her if she go ahead to marry this same man. What is the fate of this girl? .. More
I married a non-Muslim woman 4 years ago in a mosque with the presence of 2 witnesses and the Imaam proposed to be her (Wali) I've tried to talk to her about Islam in this time but every time she says yes yes it true what saying oh it is the right religion, but that was no step to tray to become actually a Muslim. Plus when I went to her country.. More
I would like to ask if a marriage between a man and a woman will be valid even without any witness from the man's side (his family doesn't know) but the girl's parents gave their consent for her to marry him.
Is it only the girl who should get the consent of her family to marry or the boy also have to get the consent of his parents? What if the.. More
I would like to marry soon but I haven't any family to assist in such a matter. How am I supposed to go about such an ordeal? .. More
I am a recent convert and I am Islamicly married to a Muslim man. My problem is that I am not sure if my marriage is valid at all, as I read recently that I should have had a Wali (guardian) present on my marriage. And as I got married, I was still Christian and had no Wali. The only people present on my marriage were the Shaykh and 2 witnesses... More
Greetings, I recently reverted to Islam and am now living in a Muslim country. I have met a Muslim man that wishes to marry me. The problem is I was married previously while living in the US. The man I was married to abandoned me after 6 years of marriage. It has been 2 years since I had contact with him but due to financial problems I was only.. More
Can a girl of "Sadaat" (the family of Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, from Faatimah, may Allaah be pleased with her) marry a non-Sadaat man? Can a girl of Sadaat marry with a man from the non-Fatimid generation of Ali bin Abu-Talib, may Allaah be pleased with him?
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Is a civil marriage considered a Nikaah? I ask as due to circumstances, the Nikaah of the sister is not to be held till a later date, however it is urgent that the civil marriage be held very soon. According to some people however, if men are present at the civil ceremony (i.e. the brides' father and brothers), the civil marriage will be considered.. More
I would like to get married to a sister that her father is Muslim and her mother is catholic. The sister wants to become Muslim but the problem is that her mom is not happy with it and her dad is not accepting her to marry because he wants for her someone who will give 120000 dollars. I would like if it's permissible to get married to her without.. More
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