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I married a man who was treating me in a bad way and he beat me for many times for simple reasons and many big problems happened between us. I had one daughter from him. My relative came to our house and stayed in our house. He realized the situation in my house. He told me that he loves me and he encouraged me to get divorced from my husband. Physical.. More
I am a 2nd wife to my husband and we did this marriage in secret without witness, now he says doesn't want to be married anymore and the marriage wasn't valid anyway, after we consummated our marriage over a 3 month period, is he able to do this me under Islamic law? I am a new Muslim and I think he takes advantage of my not knowing about things.
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There are a few issues that are troubling me and I want to clarify them. I hate to admit this and I am repenting as I was not a virgin before I got married. I was married earlier this year and was separated a month into the marriage. I did not consummate the marriage with this man because I was having problems within the 1st week of the marriage. I.. More
I want to ask you a question about my life and me. I met a guy in 1993 who was a Muslim, we fell in love and we lived together. In 1995 he was imprisoned and then I became Muslim. We tried to get married since he had no legal papers, and no passport we cannot get married in Swedish way. I went to the Masjid and tried to get help from them, they too.. More
Is my Nikah valid? I have a few questions regarding Nikah, which are very troubling me. I had a Nikah performed with a woman who had been married once before. Her prior marriage lasted only around 3 months. She claimed that she did not have sexual intercourse with her former husband. Our Nikah was performed only one week after her husband gave her Islamic.. More
My question is regarding my sister. She married my cousin who was already married with my aunt's daughter and has a kid. My sister before this marriage had secretly married a guy. We came to know after her 2nd marriage. Though she denies having done it, we have marriage certificates and Nikah nama. She says those are duplicate. Even the second guy to.. More
In the UK, a muslim girl 29 years of age married a muslim man without her parents' consent. They refused because she is from kashmeer and the man from lahore! Is this marriage lawful in Islam?
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A friend has a problem: she is a married woman but has a problem with her husband. He doesn't want to divorce her but somebody told her that if you make another marriage contract both marriages will not work and she did. She needs to know if that thing is correct because she want to know if she can get married again.
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I am asking this question concerning my friend. My friend was a non-Muslim. She married a non-practicing Muslim man about two years ago. Al-hamdulillah she became Muslim last year, and began praying and wearing Hijab and trying to fulfill her religious duties. Her husband was unhappy both about her becoming Muslim and wearing Hijab. She tried to convince.. More
I'm a 25-year-old man who has a problem. My problem is that my parents back home made Nikah for me without my consent. I didn't give them Tawkiil to marry me and I didn't know about it. I want to marry someone else. Is this marriage that happened without my permission valid. Do I have to divorce this girl who I don't even know or do I consider it as.. More
A man has 4 wives. Now he wants to marry the fifth, but he knows that he cant do so. So he is denying his first wife to make his fifth wife lawful in marriage, but actually he is still in wedlock with the first. The first wife is still claiming that she is still married to him. The two witnesses who were present at the first marriage are coincidentally.. More
I am a Muslim living in a non-Muslim country. I had a relationship with a Muslim woman and finally our parents found out. After some difficulties they finally accepted us to get engaged till we finish our studies although I proposed the idea of Nikah without a big celebration party as I can't afford that at the moment, but they refused. They offered.. More
I have a question from a sister that she had a sexual relationship with another man and her husband had a sexual relationship with another women before, so now they are good in their family relationship and the women wants to have a baby but the man think that she is not anymore his wife according to Islam. They live together and they want to live together.. More
I have been married 2 years. When we got married in a mosque in a non-Muslim country we did not have any witnesses present. The Imam said that the witnesses were is sons and so he called them in front of us, spoke to his sons and nephew on phone, and told them the situation and details. They were assumed to be the witnesses. So, are these witnesses.. More
I have a real problem. I was born in a non-Arab country. My parents died when I was seven years old. I am a Muslim, but I didn't know anything about religion. I met a girl and we wanted to marry. A friend told me about a Muslim sheikh in my city. I didn't know anything except Shahadah. This man married us in a very strange spiritual way and so weird.. More
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