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I have been married to a Muslim man for the past fifteen years. He pre-fers to live without me in a separate house. He says that he loves me, yet he thinks that it is better that each one of us lives separately. Sometimes I feel that he feels ashamed for being attached to me or that he fears to pre-sent me to his children. What is your advice? .. More
My husband has had trouble for years now balancing his duties to me, his wife, and to his mother (a widow) and his younger brothers, who are old enough to take care of themselves. He has always put me on hold, my rights have always been violated, he has ultimate devotion in taking care of them, but doesn't realize how neglecting me is hurting.. More
I got married before 9 months, as part of job I did not see her from past 5 months. I decided to quit the job and go to stay with my wife back home. But my company's managers not allowing me to go, they playing with me, I can't go and complaints in the labor dept. because they have too much power in the ministry. May be they will send me behind.. More
I would like to ask about a woman serving her husband. If she accepts the opinion that it is not obligatory as some scholars have said (especially in the case where the woman works and the husband is unemployed), then what about the case when her husband orders her iron his clothes for example. Does this suddenly become obligatory because the.. More
I heard that it is Haraam to highly praise a person to his face. But can a husband flatter his wife so that the love is increased? .. More
Will the husband be punished after death if he does not respond to the sexual need of his wife, and this without having health problems? We all know that the women have to respond to the needs of her husband no matter what (except when she is ill) and if she does not respond she will be demand all day. .. More
I am a Muslim, I am married to my wife for 26 years, she remain Christian, and she will never change to Islam but my children became true Muslim, and my wife happy with that (they decide to be Muslim by themselves). Now how is the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, Mohammed situation with his wife Mary Al-Koptia did she became a Muslim after.. More
My husband does not sleep with me for over four-month and what I hard is that if married couples stayed without making love for four-month without any reason that their marriage is over that is as good as three Talaaq... More
I have been married for quite along time now. I converted a couple of months before. From the beginning of the marriage, we have had problems. My husband has threatened me with divorce and second wife for years if I don't do as he says. I used to get upset but now I don't care. He has said and done many things to get me to conform to what.. More
I have been married for over twenty years, but during all this time, my wife has never been interested in sex. We would have relations only after her feeling guilty about it. I do not wish to look at other women, and do not have relations for years at home, what is a man supposed to do. We love each other and divorce, other marriages, etc. are.. More
I am getting married soon, Inshaa' Allaah, to a pious and chaste sister in my home country, which is Muslim. I happen to have lived in one of the western countries and back then I was not a good Muslim. I have done many sins and Al-Hamdulillaah I have repented from all of them and I regret having committed them. May Allah forgive me. One of.. More
I am married and living with in-laws. I know it is my right to have a house of own. I've told my husband that I want to a house of our own but he has refused. In the house there are two young men in the house and I feel very uncomfortable because I am a practicing sister. What should I do? May Allaah reward you. .. More
I want to ask about my husband he give me everything I want but I did not know anything about his salary and how much he have money nothing like this he didn't tell me when I ask him he say the women must not now everything about her husband he think like this and this didn't mean he didn't trust me he say no he trust me a lost but he think like.. More
I suffer from depression and the drugs for it make me unable to perform my marriage duties physically but I still get feel the desire and at times perform the Fahishah by hand although my manliness is weak and incomplete. Am I committing a sin and what should I do about ignoring my wife whom I've lost interest in now for years because of my medical.. More
I want to know if I have any right to ask my husband to change jobs. He is currently employed as a chef and works from early morning to late night, because of this he is not able to spend any time with me as he is too tired to talk when he comes home. He spends absolutely no time with our baby son and I feel as if I have no husband. He job means.. More
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