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Salam waleikum. Husband registered apartment on wife’s name so she could have residency and live in Muslim country. After some time he told her she can to keep it forever for her and her children. Now husband wants to divorce her and take the apartment back. Is she allowed to keep it ? JazakaAllah kheir
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Husband out of ignorance said you look beautiful as a goddess( not believing in goddesses) but meaning looking very beautiful . Did this affect the couples nikkah then. Do they have to renew nikkah?
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Asalamu Alaikum, in the name of Allah the most gracious, the most Merciful. 1. What is the stand of a marriage which has persistent verbal abuse and physical abuse beyond the intervention of both families. 2. The husband insist saying “Allah should punish you “with any disagreement
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Is my situation a valid reason to refuse from intimate affairs with my husband because it causes a severe harm for my mental health and sexuality? He has verbally forced me to have sex with him for ten years. His actions caused me very severe health issues like dissociative PTSD and self-harming tendencies. Besides, I have never felt any kind of sexual.. More
I am newly married boy two days ago with a girl only at an Imam of masjid, not intercoursed and touched my wife yet she is still at her father house waiting to transport to our house as our custom norms. if have done kufr took me of out fold of Islam made me kafr, and after 5 or 10 minutes repented and felt remorseful and took shahada again, does this.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.My husband uses very bad insults whenever he gets mad. Of all times he's insulted me badly, I actually didn't do anything on purpose to make him angry. He's constantly complaining, criticizing me
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Aaslam o Alaikum, Sir I have a important question about marital Intimacy. If a couple is married for two years. But intercourse never happened between them. But husband and wife satisfy eashothers sexual needs. Wife don't want to have intercourse because she says that she don't need it. But husband wants to enjoy intercourse. After 2 years she still.. More
Assalmu alakium . My question is this, is it ok for your husband to constantly threaten divorce? With no intention. Also it ok that I am traveling and he doesn’t speak to me consistently, or says I can only speak to him from this time to that time and I’m not allowed to text after 3 pm ? What if I need to communicate with him and he refuses or when.. More
Question what do I do if my wife refuses sex .. because she say she sick ..And we only have sex once every two months...
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Does a husband need to provide his wife with food, clothing, accommodation, hygiene products, make-up and jewellery?
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Assalamu AlaikumI have been married for 8 months. Before marriage, my husband asked me if I was OK with living with his parents and with living alone with him, and I said yes because I was truly willing to. He then said that he preferred to have our own space so we would move out of his parents' house shortly after getting married. After marriage, I.. More
Asalaamu Alaikum.I am writing this email as i need some advice on a divorce issue.I have been married for 16 years and have 4 children.My wife and I have been living separately for a year and a half now.We have arranged child access and payments between us.For many years the marriage has been increasingly difficult and under pressure due to incompatibility.. More
I have heard that wife and husband do not have to sleep in the same bed the only thing that is compulasry upon the husband to do for his wife is intimacy. But, if the husband wants to share beds with his wife she has to obey him, but if she wants to share beds the husband can refuse even if she is not Nashaz and he has no excuse or if he refuses purely.. More
Askm its a year i am married and due to insecurities i've developed mental illness and been very possesive to my husband. in process, out of my illness i've abused him and his family but immediately repented, i've done so cause even they were pressurising and hurting me. He loves me but they want to seperate us. now they have asked me to be 3-4months.. More
Salam Alkum, I am a new muslim and yesterday my friends and I we were discussing the topic on husband preventing wife from work. When a man marries a woman who was already working before marriage. Before the marriage the husband did not say at all that he will prevent his wife from work. The lady did not make is an additional condition that he allows.. More
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