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Assalamu Alykum. I request you to please let me know the sharia ruling with regard to my situation. I have been married for over 15 years now. I have no kids.Except the past 7 months, I was always living and working alone in different cities /countries while my wife used to live with my parents at my home in my home country. I used to periodically visit.. More
salam alakium my sister came to my father asking him to help her asking for divorce from her absent husband, who left her for a year without sending any money and befor that he used to abuse her, and their two daughters. she said he forced her to take off her hijab, to drink and ask her to participate in sexual clubs. we live in a non muslim country... More
Es salaamu aleikum. I had a question to ask because I myself am not sure and upon researching I have come across many different anserws. I am here asking if a woman is divorced one time, while she is pregnant, is she completly divorces feom her husband if he does not take her back? The reason for this question is I am currently remarried to a man who.. More
I know acc. to hadees e pak "divorce pronounced in anger is also accepted".I divorce my wife in anger two times.Firstly at my home and secondly at her home in front of her mother.From two years v r living separatley. iddah period get expired and this year on feb 18th she met me and having sexual intercourse with me and i said to him.. More
Aslamu Alikum, Happy Ramadan, My husband and I married for one year, we based our marriage on him to instill Islam in to our daily lives, we are very much in love with each other, we live in seperate countries hoping to rejoin. I waited for his release from serivices to have him join me in my country. While I make necessary plans to have him join me,.. More
Assalamu alaikum.2 months ago my husband divorce me by words "you are divorced" after this he was sorry because of this but he was aware what he did.We live in two difrent countrys so during my waiting period we were in touch by sms from time to time.I didnt want to push him to anything,i wanted to give him this time to rethink everyhting if he really.. More
Assalam Alaikum,
I have been divorced by my husband two times before 5 years, since then I have had no marital relation with him. I heard that in two divorces if there is no marital relation for three consecutive months, the marriage will be void. I have informed my father about this as I have no other family members here. Instead of asking my husband,.. More
My husband and I are separated and we want to get back together. However, when I left I told the authorities (in Germany) and other people helping me that my husband hit me and was abusive, which is all true. If I immediately return to him with the children (5), I will lose my credibility with all of the people who have helped me, and perhaps they will.. More
Asalam o Alaikum wa rahmat ullah. Dear Brother, I had a second wife and a son from her, we had serious differences and finally i divorced her three times at once 8 years back. Now, we want return to the wedlock but we are totally confused, as to some and most of the scholars, we can only marry again after she marries some other man and have intercourse.. More
my wife is irrevocably divorced , she wants to get married to another person with the hope that she may become lawful to me if she gets divorce from second husband. she is not stipulating any conditions in the second marriage she wants to give fair try but at the same times hopes to return back to first husband if the second marriage is not sound. Now.. More
salaam i just wanted to ask what can a woman do that has been separated(not islamically) from her husband for over 3 years. can she try to get back with her husband or does she aotomatically get a divorce also what shall she do if her husband is sleeping with other women in the time she has been separated. there is a five year old child involved. the.. More
Can a woman who has taken divorce from her first husband remmary him after she has taken divorce from the second husband?In both the marriages the women asked for divorce, Can she remmary her first husband. Please guide?.. More
If a man asks his divorced wife to marry another man so that she will be permitted to go back to him, what is the ruling on this? It should be noted that she totally objects to this. .. More
due to family indifferences my ex husband gave me divorce.but i still love him.we don't have any contact.i pray to god to send him back in my life as my prayer right or not?.. More
A women who has taken khula, she decideds to marry again to the same person (her perious husband) after about 6months. Does she require the permission of her parents(Wali), if her parents are not agreeing or consent the marriage, will such Nikha be valid. my second question is : Do a consent of an wali is must for any marriage or if their are any exceptions.. More
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