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Asalamu Aleikum Warahmatu-Allah, BismillahiRahmani Rahim, Dear Brother i was informed that using of Deodarant may lad to Cancer, i did some research and i was told that we can apply Lemon first on the armpt and use the deodarant which will not have any affect, is using the lemon allowed in Islam, as you mentioned before the use of some kind of food.. More
aoa wrb,plz answer the following questions in light of quran,ahadith and proper refrences.
1.iv heard from some people in my country that we should to Wuzu before we cook food,and the food cooked in such a way will produce noor inside us we we eat it,is it true? it makruh (disliked) to eat prawns,crabs and other such sea food etc.?
3.the spinal.. More
Salaam Alaykum sheikh,
Why Fluoride is not forbidden in Islam though it contains hazardous diseasese, we generally drink water that contains 0.8 ppm fluoride in our Muslim locality.
It causes prenatal deaths including uterine cancer, impairs immune system, severe skeletal fluorosis, Infertility, Hip fractures, Thyroid disorder , Alzheimer Disease,.. More
Asalamu 3aleykum .. i have 2 quistion too ask. 1_ Is it aloud too eat danish foods? 2_Is it aloud too see too open the hair in front of non-muslims woman?.. More
Assalamu alaikum Is it haram to use microwave oven ? As food cooked in microwave oven can damage health. .. More
A man has a problem in his oesophagus, so he sometimes vomits. If he vomits in the washing basin, it will be blocked, thus he is obliged to vomit in the toilet. So is it permissible for him to do so as he finds a difficulty in going outside the house to vomit. .. More
Is it ok in Islam to use cleaning agents such as Pine-sol and dishwashing detergents like Palmolive that contain alcohol to use in the house for cleaning? .. More
I want to ask if it's Haraam or Halaal to eat fruits from a garden on the road (has an owner) and the fruits were on a branch out of the fence that surrounds the garden? .. More
I have a question regarding drinking coffee from store like Dunkin Donuts, sturbucks etc. This store has ham sandwich and other sandwich that made out of pork. They do carry pork in their store. So is it Halaal for me to buy coffee from this kind of store eat donuts, croissant, etc. Also is it Halal business for a Muslim since he has no choice.. More
I am Muslim but not eating meat. Is it sin for me? .. More
In the United States of America, cattle feed consists primarily as hay or silage mixed with a grain, such as corn, barely and wheat. A high-protein supplement usually made from soybeans or rendered animal parts - typically chickens or pigs - is then added.
Some farms collect the blood of slaughtered cattle and feed it to cattle in dehydrated.. More
I want to ask you about somebody who apply his face some types of food e.g. dates, egg, black seeds, yoghurt, etc., in order to make her face soft and smooth Shaykh is that allowed ?.. More
Do people have right to declare which is Halaal or Haraam? Do we can simply believe that it is not Haraam as long as our body and/or psychology is not being harm? What are general rules of Haraam in Islam? Especially regard to biological\'s demand of people. I believe that as long as health, psychology, religion, and society are not being injured.. More
I want to know what the Islaamic rules are about being a vegetarian. Is it allowed to be a vegetarian or not? I know some Muslims who are vegetarian and they say that it is better to be vegetarian. And they give as reason that there is no such Halaal meat anymore in the world, nowadays. I think it's wrong but please help me. I don't.. More
I would like to know is it Halal to eat from non-Muslim's hand... More
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