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As-Salamu `Alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu,
One of my cousin is in business of export of Halaal Buffalo Meat to several countries in the world. Till date they have been using healthy livestock for exports irrespective of age of the livestock.
Recently there has been some discussion in India that only animals above 2 years old are allowed.. More
Is the meat of an animal sacrificed by a Muslim woman with her own hand halal?.. More
Assalamu Aalikum. my question is regarding the 'thabeeha' of those who curse the Prophet's companions. i live in north america and we have dispute among sheikhs here if the meat of ahl el kitaab is halal or not. But i was buying meat from a halal butcher store here once and a person 'muslim' stopped me and told me this is haram meat because this butcher.. More
Can we eat the meat which is slaughtered by a Muslim who does not pray 5 times or he is doing Shirk with ignorance? .. More
I am from India. In India we the Muslims commits lots of Shirk such as seeking help from dead, wearing Tawiz, etc. These are mostly a sect called Barelwi. And they hardly pray Salat. My question is canI eat the meat which is slaughtered by these deviants groups? .. More
I would like to know the difference between Halaal and Thabah (slaughtering). Please help me. .. More
Should I slaughter and eat my goat if she has been hit by a past moving vehicle and laid unconscious? .. More
What is the "judgement" of the 'Eed Al-Adhaa sacrifice that is made by a Muslim that is not praying? Is it Halaal or Haraam? Is it sufficient to say Bismillah Allaahu Akbar? .. More
What is the Islamic stand regards with killing animals for food? I want to know scientific and religious part of the answer .. More
IfI have a farm of chickens andI want to sacrifice them Halal doI have to say Bismillah for each one, or can I say Bismillah for all at the beginning whenI sacrifice them? .. More
Is the method of slaughtering chicken in Western countries Halal considering that slaughter is done (in some cases) by a rotating blade and birds get stunned by passing their heads in water which has a certain voltage running through it?.. More
I am from Asmera, the capital of Eritrea. My question is about food. Is it Halal or Haram to eat meat slaughtered other than the name of Allah?
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Is it permissible to eat the meat slaughtered by one who mentions Ali 's name at the time of slaughtering?.. More
I reside in USA. A few days back I went to a Christian farmer who has a poultry farm. There I saw how they slaughter chickens. They first give it an electric shock so it becomes paralyzed. After that they behead it with a single stroke of heavy knife and then they hang it for a while to let the blood drain off. I asked the farm-owner that do you say.. More
I live in Canada. Am I allowed to eat meat if slaughtered by machine, especially chickens? Thank you. Jazakum Allah Kher... More
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