Salam, This is regarding the performace of Salat by our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), in one of your fatwa's # 89001 you have mentiond 15 Sahabi's(Ra) names and some of the Scholar's names regarding raising hands before & after Ruku but you did not mention the references, i will be vvvvv grateful to you if can send me the exact references please. I know it takes lot of time and pain but i need it urgently as my brother wants it then only he wants to follow otherwise he will offer salat like Hanafi's. And one more thing, can we offer prayer behind a Imaam who worship Grave's and believe's in Wasila? Thanks alot for your effort and interest. Inshallah you all will get its reward in Duniya and Akhira. May Allah swt bless you all with all his bounties and mercy, ameen.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Raising the hands when bowing and when raising up from the bowing position is confirmed from the Prophet as clarified in Fatwa raising his hands during the prayer ">89001.
Indeed, Ibn Al-Qayyim said: "About thirty people narrated that the Prophet
used to raise his hands in these three positions (when starting the prayer, when bowing and when raising up from the bowing position), and the 10 companions who were given glad tidings to enter Paradise agreed on this narration, and it was never confirmed otherwise, rather this was how he,
performed the prayer until he died."
It is not possible in this Fatwa to quote all the narrations which were reported about the companions in this regard, however, we are going to mention some of them.
For instance, 'Abdullaah Ibn Az-Zubayr narrated: "I prayed behind Abu Bakr
and he raised his hands when starting the prayer, when bowing and when raising up from the bowing position." Abu Bakr
also narrated: "I prayed behind the Prophet
and he
raised his hands when starting the prayer, when bowing and when raising up from the bowing position." [At-Tabaraani and Al-Bayhaqi]
Moreover, the same thing was narrated about 'Ali . [Abu Daawood, At-Tirmithi, Ahmad, and Ibn Khuzaymah]
Also, the same thing was narrated about Ibn 'Umar . [Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and Ahmad]
Maalik Ibn Huwayrith also narrated the same thing about the Prophet
. [Al-Bukhari, Muslim, An-Nasaa'i, Abu Daawood and Ahmad]
Besides, Waa'il Ibn Hujr narrated the same thing. [Muslim, An-Nasaa'i, and Al-Bayhaqi]
As regards the narration by Al-Baraa' it was reported from him by Al-Bayhaqi
Moreover, the narration by Abu Humayd As-Saa’idi was reported from him in the presence of ten companions
among whom was Abu Qutaadah, that the Prophet
used to raise his hands when bowing and when raising up from the bowing position. [At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah]
The raising of the hands is also confirmed about him by Anas
[Ibn Maajah] and by Abu Hurayrah
. [Ahmad and others]
We believe that this is enough evidence for a just person who is not biased and who wants to follow the guidance of the Prophet .
As regards praying behind a person who worships the grave, please refer to Fatwa 82989, and to Fatwa 84006 about permissible and impermissible ways of seeking Tawassul (intercession).
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