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Her husband prefers his sisters over her


i converted ti islam 10 years ago, and i got married 2 years ago and moved to my husband to another contry to avoid my husband's family lives in the same city with us 10 mins away from our problem is my hausband cares too much about his family specially his sisters though they r married and all his focus and concentration is on them not on his own home and family he wants us to be with them on daily bases no matter how tired we r after long day at work,he even doesnt want to have kids and using protection against my will. i started to get mad and rejecting this attitude asking for our own life, privacy and kids.. we started to fight every once in a while and last fight was 4 days ago he said i want devorce and he doesnt want me any more he packed his stuff(all of it) and left the house to his family house and since then he never asked about me knowing i have no one in this country and even my family back home are mad at me cuz i converted into islam. his family seems ok with this and they r not doing anything to return him back. i want to know if this acceptable in islam and what should i do now? i love him but am so hurt please tell me what should i do now??


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

First of all, we congratulate you for this bounty that Allaah bestowed on you, which is embracing Islam, and we ask Allaah to reconcile between you and him.

As regards your husband being concerned with his family and especially his sisters, then this is a good thing for which he is thanked as this is keeping ties with kinship, and you should help him in this regard. However, this should not lead him to neglect the rights of his wife; rather, he should give each one his right. So, he should keep ties with his kinship and live with his wife in kindness; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 88304.

Furthermore, your husband has no right to oblige you to go to his family’s house every day, and he is not permitted to prevent you from having children because having children is a right of both the spouses as we clarified in Fataawa 86946 and 82274.

In case he wants to divorce you, he may do so with the conditions mentioned in Fataawa divorced their wives">104995 and 87786, but it is not permissible for him to desert you like this and leave you hanged [neither married nor divorced]. Rather, he should either keep you in kindness or divorce you in kindness.

Therefore, we first advise you to supplicate Allaah as much as possible to reconcile between you and your husband. Then, you may seek the help of some trustworthy and rational people to endeavour to reconcile between you as Allaah may make this easy for you. If this is not achieved, then you should take your case to an Islamic court so that the judge would study the matter and repel the harm off you.

Allaah Knows best.

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