What should be the degree of reliability of the Hadeeth (narration) which must be acted upon?
Is it absolutely forbidden to act upon a weak Hadeeth, or are there cases when it is permissible?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.
Only established Hadeeths should be put into practice. They should either be Saheeh (sound) or Hasan (good), provided that they are not challenged by other Hadeeths which are stronger in terms of the chain of narrators or indication. This is supported by the Quran, the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) and the consensus of scholars. Please read Fatwa 84062.
In terms of acting according to Hadeeth, there are four groups:
- First, Saheeh Hadeeth are those that are narrated by a continuous chain of upright, accurate narrators. Their texts as well as their chains of narrators, which may seem correct, should not have any hidden defects that may negatively affect their soundness. Also, for a Hadeeth to be authentic it must not be contradicted by another Hadeeth that is narrated by a more trustworthy narrator or chain of narrators.
- Second, Hasan Hadeeth are those that meet the same conditions as the Saheeh Hadeeth, except that its narrators are less accurate.
It is obligatory to act upon these two groups of Hadeeth because they share the qualities of being evidence. However, Saheeh Hadeeths are higher in degree than Hasan.
- Third, Dha‘eef (weak) Hadeeths are those that do not meet the above-mentioned criteria. Weak Hadeeths are not to be taken as proof for either ‘Aqeedah (creed) issues or passing rulings that determine what is lawful and what is unlawful.
However, some of the late scholars permitted practicing the teachings of weak Hadeeths in terms of performing extra acts of worship and doing good deeds. They did so under four conditions:
1- The Hadeeth has to be in the context of doing extra good deeds.
2- The Hadeeth must not be very weak.
3- It should be included within an observed principle of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law)
4- It is not to be taken as established; just to be followed out of religious caution.
- Fourth, Mawdhoo’ (fabricated) Hadeeths are fabricated texts ascribed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is definitely impermissible to ascribe such fabrications to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, while being aware of the reality. Samurah ibn Jundub narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that anyone who ascribed a Hadeeth to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that he deemed to be fabricated would be one of the liars. [Muslim]
Commenting on this Hadeeth, As-Sakhaawi said that this Prophetic saying was enough threat to anyone who intentionally narrates a fabricated Hadeeth. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadi
added that a scholar of Hadeeth must not narrate any fabricated reports or made-up Hadeeths, and that whoever did so was a sinner and would be among the liars.
Allaah Knows best.
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