As-salamualaikum, Can please tell whether the following hadeeth is saheeh or not: Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: I have been commanded to celebrate festival ('Id) on the day of sacrifice, which Allah, Most High, has appointed for this community. A man said: If I do not find except a she-goat or a she-camel borrowed for milk or other benefits, should I sacrifice it? He said: No, but you should clip your hair , and nails, trim your moustaches, and shave your pubes. This is all your sacrifice in the eyes of Allah, Most High. (Abu dawood, hadith no. 2783) Thanking you
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.
This Hadeeth is reported by Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa’i, Al-Haakim and Ath-Thahabi all. However, Shaykh Al-Albaani
classified it as Dha’eef (unauthentic) when classifying the Hadeeths reported by Abu Daawood
. Moreover, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbaad pointed to his disagreement about classifying this Hadeeth as Dha’eef, as he said in his interpretation of the Hadeeth (reported by Abu Daawood), “The Hadeeth was classified by Al-Albaani as Dha’eef who gave the reason for his classification as Dha’eef by saying that the narrator ‘Eesa ibn Hilaal As-Sadafi is unknown [meaning according to him (Al-Albaani)] and Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said in At-Taqreeb, 'He (the narrator) is truthful.'”
In addition to this, the author of the book Tanbeeh Al-Qaari’ ‘Ala Taqwiyat ma Dha’afahu Al-Albaani refuted the classification of Shaykh Al-Albaani, and so, the Hadeeth is Saheeh (authentic).
Allaah Knows best.
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