I am a Muslim but recently I have been finding it difficult to believe that all humans on this earth who reject the word of Muhammad go to hell indefinitely. Seeing people in Canada with such a relaxed and welcoming state of mind when it comes to religion, I do not see why people raised outside Muslim education that die without saying "I believe in the Quran" have to be taken up for it on day of judgment. I mean the brain is so susceptible to the information received; false information possessed and passed down by parents as well as propaganda influence the brain's decision when forming its ideology. That's why I have been recently repelled from Islam because of its strict segregation of society into believers and nonbelievers, yet the Quran only officially recognizes two other religions that are supposedly inferior to other beliefs, namely Christianity and Judaism. Please tell me how I can stay a Muslim while not believing in salvation ideologies. When I say salvation ideologies I mean a religion that promises the salvation of its own nation only, deeming the rest of the world to hell. Your answer will truly be important to me to save my diminishing faith. Thank you
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Islam is the only true religion revealed by Allaah. Allaah does not accept any other religion but Islam. He is the Creator and all people are His slaves and servants. As He is the Only Creator, He ordained and mankind must abide by His orders.
He sent Messengers to guide the people to what He loves and what He is pleased with. He supported His Prophets with evidences proving to the people that what they were sent with was the truth, and thus, people have to follow these Prophets. Also, Allaah sent Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, as the final Messenger to humanity. The message with which Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, came abrogated the previous messages and Allaah supported him with miracles that proved that he was really a messenger. Among these miracles is Quran, which was revealed to Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
The Quran contains news about the previous nations and people. The Quran informed us also about incidents that will take place in the future. Some of which has already occurred according to what the Quran stated.
Furthermore, the Quran has many scientific facts about this Universe and its secrets. Modern science is discovering these realities little by little; this proves that the Quran is the Word of the Creator of this Universe.
In addition to the above, the previous books indicated that another Prophet would come, who was Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. All of these facts were provided in the Quran that was revealed to Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, who was an unlearned man, he could neither read nor write, to further prove that it was the Word of Allaah.
So, if it is proven that Islam is the true religion, and that it is from Allaah, then we have to believe in it and abide by its legislation. Allaah legislated that Islam is the only true religion and He will not accept any other religion. Salvation is in following this religion, and whoever chooses a religion other than Islam will be among the losers.
By His mercy, Allaah does not punish anyone from His creation except after establishing the evidence against him, by sending Prophets to convey the message.
However, Allaah will not punish any person to whom the message has not reached. Allaah Says (what means): "And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning". [Quran 17:15]
Indeed Allaah sent Prophets and Books in order to establish this proof, because Allaah likes to forgive. Ibn Mas'ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet said: "There is no one who likes to forgive like Allaah, that is why He revealed the Books and sent the Prophets". [Muslim]
Anyone to whom the call of Islam has not reached, (regardless of the place and time) whether he is in
However, whoever the call of Islam has reached and did not believe in it, and imitated his fathers and grandfathers, refused to use reflect and insisted to stay upon the religion that he inherited from his forefathers, then his fate in the Hereafter will be Hellfire.
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet
said: "I sweare by the One, in Whose Hand my soul is, no Christian or Jew from hears about me and dies not believing in that with which I was sent , except that he will be among the people of the Fire." [Muslim]
So Islam treats differently those whom the message has reached and those whom the message has not reached. This means that Allaah is the most Just and most Merciful.
You have to know that if a person is not a Muslim, then his kindness and good deeds will not benefit him in the Hereafter. However, he will be rewarded of such actions in this world only.
Anas, narrated that the Prophet
said: "If a non-Muslim does a good deed, he will get its reward by being fed by a nutriment of this worldly life."[Muslim]
Dividing people into a Muslim and a non-Muslim is one of the requirements in the religion of Islam. The fate of a Muslim is Paradise and the fate of a non-Muslim is Hell-fire. This is something that the Islamic Law and sound reasoning prove. Sound reasoning suggests that a person who does good and a person who does evil are not equal. Therefore, they cannot be both rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise. Likewise, both it is against sound reason that neither will be punished, and similarly, not having any of them punished or rewarded. A person who does good, will be rewarded for the good he does, and a person who does evil will punished according to his evil.
Anyway you have to believe in the revelation and ward off the whispers and misconceptions that come to your mind about the creed, and ask the people of knowledge before these misconceptions make you apostate from the religion of Islam.
You have to know that satan always whispers such misconceptions to the person; so if the Muslim wards them off, he will not be harmed by them. We have to seek the protection of Allaah from these whispers.
Saying that you want to apostate from Islam is a very serious matter. You have to take the initiative to repent and re-embrace Islam (if you actually have apostated) before you die in this condition. Allaah Says (what means): "And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever." [Quran 2:217]
We advise you to take the means that will help you stay firm on the truth. You have to seek religious knowledge and ask the people of knowledge about things you do not know. You have also to keep company with pious people and visit Islamic Centers and foundations. Stay away from deviated people, and avoid any environment that could cause you to be tempted or afflicted by misconceptions or desires. We ask Allaah to guide us and you to the right path.
Allaah knows best.
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