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Assalm-o-Aalaikum Some people say that "this name is heavy for the baby concerned" , is that islamic concept? Also some use numeology to choose the baby name (like there are many sites offering that) is that allowed in Islam?.. More
Assalam u alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters in islam. For the sake of Allah I am asking for help, Insha Allah I hope you have a solution for me. I was the most intellectual, highly respected and loved one in the entire family whether it is at home or the whole family, I have always feared Allah and always would help my family or friend or anybody in.. More
asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakauth.. i read mostly fatwas related to jins and majic in here..these days as qayamat is getting closer and closer, people are more involved in doing majic and secrets stuff..and they are also getting exposed cause nothing are hidden any more and the truth is coming out. my auncle he is close friend with big sufis.. More
salam my wife is suffered with encephalitis doctor said?i went to imam he said my wife is suffereing black magic? she is not impoving she behavioral change vomiting.what do i do? first night my wife said i do not love her she behav strange she did not show her face she did not tolk, 4 month my wife bahav strange. Aftre 4 month she got ill? i went to.. More
Salam AlaikumI have a question about those who have been cursed by people. I recently went to a shaikh who said that there was a curse of some sort done on me and my family which probably explains all of the terrible luck we always have and why we're hated and talked about a lot but we've always respected others and all and we never start any problems.. More
Every time I perform Istikhaarah prayer for treatment (i.e. to seed cure for the Quran), I don’t get any result... More
What are the Quranic verses, supplications and mention of Allaah which one can recite or read on a person who is possessed by Jinn, especially if this Jinni is a Muslim and possessed the human being because he loves him and is attached to him, but the person is harmed by this Jinn?.. More
Am I sinful for saying that I suffer from magic? There are people who wrote this piece of paper on me, taking into account that all the symptoms of a person who suffers from magic are apparent on me... More
Is there anything that is called ''lower transmissions''?.. More
I approached a girl for marriage and after her family inquired other people about me for more than a month, then one Imaam asked the name of my father and the name of my mother based on the request of the father of the girl. They claimed that they needed their names for Istikhaarah and to match the names, then they refused me because the names did.. More
Can a magician move with his body from one country to another, as we hear, i.e. he flies on a palm leaf? .. More
It is permissible to say (now) “only Allaah and His Prophet know” in matters that pertain to the unseen, taking into account that the knowledge of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, [about the unseen] stopped with his death? .. More
I have oil and I doubt that it might contain magic, what should I do in order to make this magic void? .. More
What do you think of using a means like incense in order to counteract (the effect of) magic? .. More
I am very much impressed on your services, may Almighty will give you the highest reward to you all for this services.
My question is, in India peoples will approach some religious leaders before to start the House Construction activities just to know the suitability of the place for House construction, is there any such custom available in Islam,.. More
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