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assalamualikum dear people please help me i did a mistake to visit a page of one astrologer and i gave her my real information now i being to know that she is one of big devils now i am afraid of her. is she can do any thing bad for me? i try to remove every thing from there and promise that i will never visit that page again but what is the solution.. More
What is the ruling of Islam on listening to someone who claims to have knowledge of zodiac astrology through which he can know all about people’s personalities and attributes? Is it true that this is not charlatanism but rather a science that is based on scientific knowledge without claiming to know the Unseen?
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What is the ruling of Islam on zodiac signs? .. More
Assalm-o-Aalaikum Some people say that "this name is heavy for the baby concerned" , is that islamic concept? Also some use numeology to choose the baby name (like there are many sites offering that) is that allowed in Islam?.. More
Is it allowed in Islam for a married couple especially, women to use an astrological method of ovulation?.. More
Before arranging a marriage some people match the stars of the man & woman with name. If the stars do not match they change the name of women; they say women's stars should match with men's stars . Also some Doctors say that before arranging marriage you should match the blood group of men and women; if it matches then the baby born is fine ?Are.. More
Is ok in Islam to check our luck/future by showing our hands to palmistry specialist? Please let me know in the light of Islam... More
I want to know what is the punishment for those who belives in what soothsayers and astrologers say?
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