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Dear Brothers... Assalamu Alaykum & Ramadhan Al Mubarra to all... I just read your Fatwa143173. Here in Saudi, it was legal since then when one of American Islamic Organization have issued a Certificate that all FLP products are HALAL. I joined purposely for Health and sure to add my income. Health because since I used to drink one of their product.. More
I want to ask regarding dropshipping. (Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in all retail businesses, the retailers make their.. More
Please clarify the Sharee‘ah ruling on buying and selling gold pieces that have images on them. .. More
A man sold an animal to someone else and received part payment. The buyer, however, left the animal in his possession for a week and the animal died during that time. Is the buyer permitted to take back the sum he paid to the seller? What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this sale? May Allaah reward you... More
What is the difference between uncertainty and ignorance (in the context of transactions)?.. More
Assalamu alaykom wa rahmatullah:
1-My wife is selling beauty products and most of them are either made in the so called "Israel" or made here in the US but owned by people from there. Knowing that part of the money made out of those products might go to some institutions that are harming our brothers in the occupied territories of Palestine,.. More
Aslm alkm. m y husband is one of managing partner in a company, and he is into land business. i used to support him like doing marketing and get customers for him. for that my husband use to give me a commission. what i want to know is....i did marketing to one of the customerkeeping 5% commission and they invested money and my hubby does not know.. More
My father passed away nearly one year ago from cancer. Before dying, he had promised to sell the farmer who works on our land a small piece of land (on our land) for him to build a home on for his children. The farmer and his family currently live in a home we have built for whoever is working on the farm, but it is NOT theirs. The land promised by.. More
I m Firoz frm India,working in saudi arabia.
Actually footpath business is illegal here in saudi. but v buy vegetables/fruits from these footpath. if Muncipality people see them, they will catch them bcs its illegal.
is it haram/halal to buy from them?.. More
As-salam Alaykum, I work as a salesman in a furniture producing company in my country. My question goes thus: If am given a price range(minimum and maximum prices) of goods in my custody by my boss and as a good marketer I was fortunate to sell even above the maximum price given to me without the knowledge of my boss. If at the end of the day, I took.. More
Assalamualikumwarahmatullah. I would like to know that is the Internet phone call business allowed according to Islam? When country law not allowing this business. The country law not allowing this business because the gov is directly involve with telecom co so its may lose for them if some one do the internet Phone call business I think that is the.. More
As salaam aleikum, We have a business that deals with buying and selling, recently a customer made some huge order and the terms agreed was one month payments with post dated cheques. We took the goods from another company and we also inform them that we will be giving their money after one month from the time we took the goods. Our customer has distributed.. More
Assalamualikum. Dear brother I have 3 question please let me know the answer according to ISLAM 1) Suppose one mobile card cost is 100 Saudi Riyal. On the begin of month some one ask me that he will take from me 90 Saudi Rial and end of month he will give me a 100 Saudi Riyal Of card.I would like to know is this oky according to Islam? 2) Suppose I.. More
Aslamu Alykum wa rahmato allah,my family owns a furniture store in america and recently we made a contract with a credit company that will allow our customers to buy from us and not pay anything for the first 3 months; after that they would recieve bills in the mail and they would begin making payments which offcourse has an interest rate which gets.. More
In Islam taking percentage commission from both buyer and/or sellers on a website allowed? Like .. More
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