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If I am the owner of a business which is haraam and if I sell that business to someone, would I keep incurring sin after selling the business if the person who I sold the business to operates it and grows the business more than I did?.. More
AssalamualaikumMy question is if my father who works in an interest based bank gifts me like a land or a flat is it ok for me to rent out the flat or to sell the land after few years? Will the money I get from it be halal for me JazakAllah khair.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum If you sell a product and only afterward realize there was a small defect and you forgot who the buyer was, do you have to give all the money charity? Shukran
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Assalamu Alaikum, I intended to sell a used cycle. I was ignorant of the market price for that cycle so I just assumed its price and posted an ad. Later when a buyer came and we agreed fixing a price, we took the cycle to inspection and there the worker said that the market price of that cycle was more than what I earlier agreed upon. I cancelled the.. More
Assalam alaikum. I sold my gold jewelry for a big amount with delay in payment. I requested them to give me cheque but they said they don't do that. They said the online payment process will be started and I will receive payment in 2 to 3days. They gave a purchase bill. I was aware of the ruling of delayed payment. What will be the ruling on this money?.. More
I work in a men’s suit store as a sales consultant and there are silk items tie and bow tie that say 100% silk customer may want. I live in Canada and have put so many resumes and the job is near my house. Please advise There are also red clothes but not pure red for example different colour labelling.
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Assalamu Alaikum,If someone is repairing mobile phones and selling them and when they repair the back of the phone a bit of the waterproof capability is lost . Does this person need to include it in the phone description for resale and if they don't is their income haraam?JazakAllah.
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I bought a scooter that didn't work after some time it had a one-year warranty. My father was on the phone with the company for repair I think he lied for no-cost repair (I heard the battery didn't come under the one-year warranty which apparently was in need of repair) he said he was charging it regularly and it was like twenty days since the scooter.. More
Selling items that have an animal face in them will it be halal? Like: A mug that has the face of a Sloth in it. The face is not even complete cause it doesn't even have ears. And I will be selling this to the non-muslims.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Is it permissible to save, sell or distrubute books which contain images or save and distribute digital images which contain drawn or non-drawn living objects, but useful informatiom at the same time?
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As salaam alaikumI ordered a dress and that was not fitting me...I had to try it and confirm whether or not it fits meWhen I checked the exchange policy they said that the product should be unused and intact with the tags on...Can I confirm that policy as I had tried the product to check it fits me or not...or is it considered as lying?Jazakallah khair
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Assalamualaikum. The goods i own are in a warehouse that I don't own, it is basically a service provider whom I pay to store and distribute my goods when some one buys them online. I might share my profit with the service provider or pay them according to the deal. As my product is in their possession and they ship it to customers. As for in consideration.. More
AssalamualaikumHow is it legal to sell templates in Islam such as Canva templates and others. if I sell the same template to several websites with different prices because each website has different rules, is that permissible because there is a sale of the same product at different prices.
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Assalamu Alaikum,We are trying to purchase a car from the dealer. The dealer have their own bank so we will be purchasing it directly from them with no third party included. However, they have a monthly apr% attached. Is this is a halal purchase or not?
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Assalamu alaikum,Is it permissible to listing my product in a store/online marketplace that also sells an offensive product to Muslims?For example, if that online marketplace also sells anti-Muslims, insulted Muslims books from famous atheist author, any religion preachers, and some of their book also become the bestseller and that marketplace.
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