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Does intention to break the salah, or wavering on whether to break the salah, break the salah? Specifically in the Maliki and Hanafi schools. For example, if I decide to end salah prematurely, is my salah automatically nullified, even if I did not take any actions? What if during prayer, I think about whether to break the salah, and then decide against.. More
Long time i enjoy doing prayer,but after i make many sin and repent from it. Im not enjoying doing my prayer, my khushoo' decrease , i feel like i just canceling my obligationI want to prayer like the people that reach ihsaan do , can you give me the answer ?
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Salaam,Is my prayer valid if I stated to have hiccups while praying and then continued to pray even though the hiccups were frequent throughout the prayer - it would interior during my recitation but I would just repeat the parts that got interrupted. JazakAllahKhair
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I find that wearing a face mask in the masjid is uncomfortable. Can I pray at home until restrictions for COVID are removed and face masks are no longer required?
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As-Salaam! during salat i was wearing a keffiyeh over my shoulders which on the edges have little cotton balls, when i went into ruku’, one of the cotton balls came in front of my left knee while i was clasping it; i noticed this and briefly lifted my hands from my knees to move the cotton ball that is attached to the edge of my keffiyeh out of the.. More
What should I do if I accidentally say or begin to say, during the salaah, the takbeer for movement while I am still in the current position, then either finish it in that position or finish it in the next position? Do I do sujud as sahu before the tasleem? The problem is that I did not say the thikr, or completely say it, in the correct position, that.. More
assalam alikum in 10:94 it says to ask those who have read the book before thee meaning christions and jews about story of noah and moses but the storys in the bible of noah and moses are different than the storys in the quran like bible says ark landed on mount arat but quran says mount judi and bible says noah was a drunk but quran says no
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What is the ruling on praying only fard prayers? I used to always only perform the fard prayers for each prayer. Is all of the prayers I performed invalid?
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Assalamu Alaikum
I do not know how to tell my story.
Since I was little i was taught everything about Islam.
And, praise be to Allah, I believe in Him, and that there is no God but Him, His messengers, may peace be with them all, His books, the day of judgment and in His decree.
I also believe that prayer is obligatory, as well as zakat, etc.
The.. More
If a person is very sleepy while praying, for example, he can barely stand or keep his eyes open, he keeps forgetting or does not know at which point of the prayer in which he is, he doesn't know that which he is saying, etc., then can he take a nap, even if he thinks that he will most likely miss the time of the prayer, and then perform it later? Especially.. More
In prayer, is it okay if i spit to bottom or the left in the masjid but then i catch the substance with my hand or my cloth or something else?. so then the masjid carpet or floor dont get dirty.
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Since i am somewhat slow at reciting the faatiha, I barely catch the imam in rukoo' and sometimes i doubt whether i made rukoo' with him because he started to rise as i get into bowing position. So in this situations where i doubt having caught rukoo' with the imam, do i need to repeat the rakah? And does it matter if i feel most likely that i either.. More
Is it true that one should add 3 to 5 min to the time of sunset which is stated in newspapers and various websites (like
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I am a diabetic and heart patient. Time to time my diabetic level fluctuate. Can a I perform my obligatory prayer keeping something in my mouth, such as a tablet under the tongue to release my heart problem or a sweet to increase my sugar level in my body
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As-salaamu aleykum, I would like to know the Islamic meaning of pointing the index finger of the hand upwards. May Allaah bless you.
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