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How can we reconcile Sahih al-Bukhari 3 and Sahih al-Bukhari 6982? One mentions Waraqa bin Naufal translating the Gospel in Arabic, one in Hebrew. Also it mentions that Allah willed him to write that - but I thought that the Gospels were corrupted already at that time?JazakAllahu Khairun.. More
Who do muslims bow down and worship to the Black stone in their prayers and whats the importance of Kabah, is it a symbol or statue?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible to make coin banks in the shape of the Ka‘bah (has the opening to get the money out) with the aim of selling them to the Muslims as an inspiration to save money for Hajj?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Recently, I have heard in a Bayaan that in Hudood Al Haram (Makkah), if we think of a sin, then it will be written as a bad deed. I want to know the authenticity of this because it is a very important issue that while in the Haram, if something sinful crosses our mind, then we will be held accountable for it. So please clarify this... More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about the Hajj. When Muslims go to Hajj, are they going to see or visit Abraham? I ask because verse 22:27 states (what means) {They will come to you on foot and on every lean mount, they will come to you from every distant mountain pass.} Was this verse fulfilled in Abraham's lifetime (people will come from all.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I want to know about Thul-Khalasah.
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Assalaamu alaykum, I would like to know what is authentically established in the books of Islamic history regarding the two major events (i.e. the digging of the zamzam well and the incident of the elephants) in the life of Abdul-Muttalib, the grandfather of the prophet (pbuh), specifically the narration in Dalaa'ilun-Nubuwwah by Al-Bayhaqi on the authority.. More
Did Islam modify pre-Islamic things? I am asking because there are many things present in Islam that also existed in pre-Islamic Arabia, like the concept of jinn,slavery, and so on. The concept of jinn only existed in Arabia before Islam, and no other people of the world believed in them. So why are there many pre-Islamic Arabian conceptsin Islam?
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Who are The Sadanah?
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Assalamu aliekum, I am planning on building a house for myself and was thinking about designing it like the Kaaba for no other reason but architectural beauty. Is this permissible? .. More
assalaam alaikum my children's school make a model Kabah every year and teach them the rites of Hajj with it and they carry out Tawaf etc to practice. I was then told it is not acceptable to perform these rites except in Mecca and at the Kabah itself. Is there any advice about this Jazzakum Alluhu khairan .. More
Assalamualikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh... I happened to go over your article 'Zamzam Water: The history & significance -I' which is very enlightening, jazakumullah-u-khairan. However, I have a small doubt - the article first stated the following words "Ismaa'eel may Allaah exalt his mention kicked his tiny feet on the sand and the well of Zamzam.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, In mecca, there is a inscription of ibrahim (as) foot in maqame-ibrahim. Was this existing during prophet's time. What is the proof to say that it is ibrahim(pbuh) foot?
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Dear Respectfully Sir, Regarding my question which is very sensitive or I need your fully attention on the same. Thanks. Question No.01/ Baby Delivery Process Is (Nazeef/Taahir) or Not? If this process is not (Nazeef/Taahir/Tayeeb) So could you please explain process of Hazrat Ali R.A Birth which Finalized in Kaaba How you explain to the same Thanks... More
Since the beginning of the mission of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), he came with the religion of Islam which nullified the worship of deities and idols of that time and the time to come. However, when Hajj was ordained, its rituals included circumambulation, kissing the black stone and casting pebbles.
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