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Assalamu Alaikum, According to a hadith in bukhari, Prophet (pbuh) forgave the jewish woman who poisoned him and he did not kill her. I read elsewhere that the Prophet (pbuh) killed poetesses who slandered him after the conquest of Mecca. Why didn't he forgive them as he forgave people who insulted and threw stones on him in Taif?. Also I read that.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, Anti-Islamists are quoting the below incident and project Islam as cruel. Zaid ordered Qays b al-Musahhar to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly (Ibn Ishaq) Zyad bin Harithah ordered Qays to kill Umm, and he killed her cruelly. He tied each of her legs with a rope and tied the ropes to two camels, and they split her in two... More
Assalamu Alaikum, A group in India claims that even prominent scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah like Imam Abu Bakar Al-Jassas, author of Ahkamul Quran and also many scholars listed by Nawawi in majmoo denied that Prophet(pbuh) was affected by witchcraft. Is this true?.. More
Asalam alikum wr wb Dear shaikh,i am so sad and i fear sometimes that ALLAH will punish me plz help me with guiding by quran and sunnah,i get satanic wispers about mother of believers specally aisha(ra).bad thoughts i cant tell specially when i am about to pray may ALLAH forgive me and save me from satan,then I seek refuge of ALLAH in salah and spitt.. More
Is it possible to see the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, while awake?
How can I respond to a person who claims that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, came to him in a dream and gave him a prescribed set of regular supplications to read?
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In a discussion about Jinn and magic on a TV program, one of the guests (a professor) totally denied the authenticity of the Hadeeth which states that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was once bewitched by a Jew. He claimed that Allaah The Almighty would not have allowed this Jew to harm the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Furthermore.. More
A hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhary, that the Mother of the Believers, Sawda Bint Zam'a, made a deal with the prophet Muhammad PBUH, by which she waived her day to the Mother of the believers, Aisha, after he PBUH decided to divorce her because she became old. This event was considered a reason for the verse (4:128: And if a woman has reason to fear.. More
Assalamualaykum I listen that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu'alayhiwasallam has a shadow and the below two hadeeth were told as a reference.Are the below hadeeth saheeh(hasan,saheeh or can they be accepted). Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that once while the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) was on a journey,.. More
Did Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) divorce any of his wives? I heard a narration that one of his wives on the first night of their marriage told him “I seed refuge in Allah from you”, then Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) left the house. Is this an authentic narration? If yes, did he just leave her or divorce her? .. More
1.Did the Prophet Muhammed (saw) kill 400,600 or 900 Jews as stated in the Seerah of Ibn Ishaq (I know that Imam Malik denounces Ibn Ishaq outright as "a liar"and "an impostor").
2. Ibn Ishaaq states that Muhammad took one (Jewish) woman for himself:
"The apostle had chosen one of their women for himself, Rayhana bint Amr . . . one of the women.. More
Certain Quranic verses reveal some unpleasant truths: The verses 33:25-27 were revealed to describe the Banu Qurayza incident and clearly talk about the unbelievers (Quraish pagans, and their allies Jews of Banu Quraiza). The verse 33:25 tells about the retreat of the great force of unbelievers without any success; verse-26 tells about how later the.. More
Is the Hadeeth regarding the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, getting bewitched and imagining that he had done something when he had not, Saheeh (authentic)? Some Muslim scholars rejected this saying there are problems in the chain of narrations and have many contradictions. Also they said it's impossible for the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi.. More
Is it true that Muslims in the past have drawn pictures of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and made statues of him?.. More
I'm a non-Muslim and wonder: Why are Muslims not allowed to make picture of the Prophet Muhammad?.. More
What arguments are there to counter claims that Prophet Muhammad was a person who enslaved others – that he captured slaves in raids, that he bought and sold slaves, and even took their women, and that he also enslaved men and women, and killed prisoners of war? I have seen references that indicate that these claims are true. .. More
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