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Had 'Aa'ishah (R) reached puberty when she married Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and did Prophet engage with her (R) in intercourse when she was only nine years old? Is it lawful to have sexual relations with a 9-year-old wife or it is unlawful? Why do many of the Kuffar (unbelievers) say that our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was a.. More
Did the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, have knowledge of the Unseen? Please give references for this from the Quran, Hadeeth and logic... More
Please explain why the Prophet [SAW] had so many wives and the companions did not and I heard that the Prophet [SAW] opposed Ali marrying another woman. I have heard various answers from the scholars I met but their answers do not satisfy the West or me. Please try to give as much explanation as possible... More
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