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881 fatwas

  • Eating food remnants stuck between teeth

    Assalamu Alaikum W w Is it permissible to eat small food pieces which are between two teeth space inside mouth, Because some time I use to pick out beef pieces from teeth space by using thooth picker and eat that particles .. More

  • Making a verbal mistake when fulfilling a vow

    Asaalaam, I got throat pain before 6 months and hairpatch before 8 months. when i got throat pain , i told to allah to cure it and i will read 2 rakat namaz and i will read 1 yaseen. Similarly for hairpatch problem, i told i will read 5 yaseen. allah has showered his blessing on me and both are cured. so i have to finish reading shukriyana namaz and.. More

  • She made a vow that she would fast if her wish was fulfilled

    assalamwalaikum, i made dua that if my wish will be fulfilled i will keep fasting. I heard that we should keep two roza instead of one roza for any wish. If it is true please let me know on which day of week i should keep roza. .. More

  • A women praying two-Rak'ahs on arrival from a journey

    Salam alaikum, I have read following in a fatwa by the Noble Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, rahimahullah: "... for certainly, it’s from the Sunnah that when a person arrives from a journey and before he enters his house, he first goes to the mosque and prays two units inside. This has been reported in the long Hadeeth of K’ab ibn Maalik ..." Should only.. More

  • Greeting worshippers before performing the prayer of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid

    Upon entering the mosque, should I greet people in the mosque or perform the prayer of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid first? Thank you... More

  • Supplicating when consuming milk and its products

    Salam alaikum, I have once read a duaa for drinking milk (which I regrettably cannot find anymore). Now I would like to ask, if this duaa can be said for any kind of milk (sheep, goat, cow etc.) and also if it is only to be said when drinking a cup of milk or also when drinking coffee with milk or eating milk products such as cheese etc.? Is.. More

  • Meaning of Wallaahi, Billaahi and Tallaahi

    Es selamu alejkum May Allah reward you for your work. I want you to ask you, what does the word ''Wallahi Billahi Tallahi'' means? Thank you for the answer... More

  • Expiation for broken promises

    Alsalam wa alaikom wa rahmatuh allah wa barakatuh, I have a question about oaths and promises. Are they the same? For example once I said to my family member I promise not to lower my grade inshaa allah and another time I promise to do my best inshaa allah. Do I have to do kaffara for these promises? Once I also made a promise TO and not BY god.. More

  • Said if she is blessed with a daughter, she will name her Tahreem

    Asslamwailikum brother, My name is Amna and i live in canada, i need an urgent help i am pregnant and MashaaAllah from the blessings of Allah swt i am expecting daughter, when i was not able to conceive at that time i put my hand on Quran and made dua that plz Allah bless me with child and if i will be blessed with baby boy i will name him Yahya.. More

  • Two men sleeping together in the same bed

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am having couple bed where my wife and me used to slept. she went to home town for 6 months. Can any other other stranger can sleep on the same bed where my wife and me used to sleep. My friend wants to live with me and in that case we both have to sleep on the same bed. Please let me know is there any restriction according.. More

  • Saying Bismillaah when taking the medicine

    my mother in law was sick and i had to give her mediciens while giving here the capsule to eat i told her say bismillah and eat.So my sister in law stopped me from giving her the medicine and said y did u ask her to say bismillah it wrong, now by the baraka of bismillah she will keep eating those medicines.I sais she was wrong and had a argument.. More

  • He made several expiations for one oath

    i made an oath that i would not tell such and such and broke it many times but did not retake the oath. at the time i did not know that only 1 expiation was needed so i made many expiations,but all had different intentions for the scenario i broke the oath in. my question is , since i didnt need to do these fasts, could they count.. More

  • Broke his promise to Allaah not to talk to his girlfriend

    Assalamu alaikum. I was in love with a girl and we use to talk on phone. In the last semester of my engineering, I fell short of my attendance and my professor was not agreeing to make it up. It was a great problem for me as I would have to repeat the whole year. So I prayed to Allah Ta'ala and said to him, " O Allah, Please bring me out of this.. More

  • Licking one's lips while fasting/Breaking one's oath out of forgetfulness

    I have 2 questions In Sha Allah. Firstly, when I fast, is it permissible to lick the lips, as they become quite dry? Also, after I wake up, I always have to spit, because I think that I have licked the pillow or something, but should I have to do this? Secondly if you make an oath, (for example, "I won't say such and such") and forgetfully break it,.. More

  • One must know the Sharee‘ah to know what pleases Allaah

    I am a young man who has not memorized a text or acted according to one that I do not understand, and I have been like that for a long time. If I do not understand a Quranic verse, I do not apply its rulings nor wish to memorize it. By the same token, I do not apply the rulings of any Hadeeth that I do not understand. What is the solution? I am.. More