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Is it haraam for a 16 year old to learn about marrige and divorce in islamIn my culture it is considered weird to learn about marriage in my ageJazakallahu khayran
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I want to study medicine. I live here in a non-Muslim country. I cannot afford to study in another country for medicine; for example, in a Muslim country. Will I enroll in medicine in my country where I may violate some of the Muslim teachings? The following are some things that I might encounter in studying medicine here in a non-Muslim country: (1).. More
Assalamu Alaikum!Sheikh, I'm a 17 year old girl. I'm really interested in learning computer programming through halal option (i.e. online courses from home) and start Halal freelancing so that I can help my old father in earning because I don't have any brother. Recently, I saw some posts on social media which says Muslim women should not get worldly.. More
I am 20 yrs old boy.I am born in a Muslim family.But my parents are not a true believer.I want to study about Islam.But my parents didn't give permission.can I disobey them?
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3) A: How many types of people in islam in terms of knowledge. I know only 2 type. Lay man and scholar. [As far as I know, scholar can do ijhtihad/qiyas. And the lay man have to follow the scholar].Is there a third type (for example of student of knowledge)? If yes, can they make ijhtihad?
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Assalamu Alaikum. I have problem with retaining things in my memory. i easily forget them whenever I learn. I will like you to refer me to a/some supplications from the holy prophet (S.A). Jazakallahu Khair in anticipation of your reply
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In learning the deen, it is essential to have a teacher. but how about wordly knowledge?, Is it wrong to rely on autodidact when studying wordly knowledge?
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Assalamualaikum,I m a student doing my graduation in technology (BTech),I m very keen on studying about tafseer, hadith,fiqh etc and due to this I m unable to do my study for semester exam,I feel that I should leave it and move on to study deep in hadith and fiqh, because in this condition neither I m fully concentrating on college study nor able to.. More
Salam,I have a question regarding hurmat musaaharah. I am severely affected from OCD so i got lot of waswasas about this issue. My question is that i am following Hanafi Madhab can i follow your Fatwas regarding hurmat e musaahrah (e.g 318664) or notjQuery111009441319627245637_1543994284918I have fear that if i follow your fatwa do it come under tafliq.. More
Asalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu. Could provide me with evidences how important is that we should implement or act what we learn? As i really like to seek knowledge but it think i'm going far as i can't implement much. For example i read that Allah will reward those who spend on their family, every deeds depend by their intention so i could.. More
You rightly advised me recently to not consult many scholars on a single issue as it can lead to confusion. In the past 3-4 years, as I have been striving to increase my Islamic knowledge and correct practice of the religion, I would usually read and reference two prominent fatwa websites and two scholars, whose email ID's I have. I trust the religious.. More
I am a female medical student. At graduate level, we study all subjects (total 11 in number with subdivisions), and we do post graduate in a particular subject (along with related subjects) to be specialist of that subject. In the post graduate level, there are numerous subjects. I have some questions regarding this matter:
1) Is it permitted for.. More
Assalaamu alaykum rahmatullaah, dear Brother. If I were in the situation that there are only three people in this world: my mother, my wife, and myself, and my mother and my wife are drowning in the sea, and I can save only one of them. Who should I save? Please reply in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah reward you.
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Shaykh, as far I know, it is obligatory for me to know how to recite the Quran and know its meaning so that I can act according to it, so I have no question about that. However, I am confused regarding whether reading Tafseer (exegesis) of the Quran and books on Tawheed (pure monotheism) and the correct ‘Aqeedah (creed) separately is obligatory or.. More
Is one allowed to take knowledge from internet pages which belong to the people of innovation? If not, then what should I do given that I took most of my knowledge from there? Am I obliged to renew all my knowledge, or is it valid?
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