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Assalaamu alaykum. Is it backbiting if you say something that the person would not like you to say even if you are actually giving him a compliment? For example, you say that a person looks very strong behind their backbut that person hates to look strong and keeps getting compliments all the time. Would that be backbiting, or is it only backbiting.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I was just wondering: is something only backbiting if it is done with malice and hate, or can it be backbiting even if it is not done with malice and hate?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. Today, a Muslim friend of our family came to repair some lights in our home. This Muslim brother is our friend, and he is unemployed. After he went back home, my mother and my father had a conversation in front of me, and my father said something like, "Perhaps I should have paid him." (We do not pay him because he is our.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have two questions. Some days ago, a Muslim friend of mine told me a secret about him, and I kept it secret from everybody. One day, however, I unintentionally told another friend about it! I forgot that it was a secret! I regretted it right there and then! Now I do not know how to repent! The friend who told me the secret does.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I asked the question of fatwa No. 342220 before, and I would like to get some more details. It is not 100 percent certain that the government would withdraw asylum from the wife, because the one who is persecuted is the husband and not the wife. In this country, the asylum rulings are such that if the husband receives asylum, then.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it haram to say to someone that their supplication was not answered although it was?
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What does Islam say about people with bitter tongues?
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Assalamu alaykum. A Husband got asylum in a European country because he cannot go to his homecountry for fear of his life. His wife and children also got asylum in order to keep the family unit together. The wife and children are not persecuted in their homecountry. Then the wife went to their homecountry to visit her relatives even though the one who.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Muslim citizen of a Western country, and I appreciate that everybody respects the law and abides by the rules. Where I live, the government started a program so that individuals and organizations can sponsor Syrian refugees. Unfortunately, some immigration consultants are using this program to make a huge profit and use this.. More
I am young and have finished high school. However, my grades were poor, so I took a pause of one year to improve my grades and start university next year. So I am unemployed, and I may also seek social welfare in my country because I do not have a job. While seeking social welfare, I fullfilled every criteria for it, but I did make a misstake twice... More
What is the ruling on mocking one of the customs or rituals of the non-Muslims even though one fears that this may have been a custom sent down by Allaah to earlier specific generations? One such custom may be putting stickers on one's head, which Hindus do. I thought that this might be a custom sent by Allaah to a specific generation through an earlier.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. If one cannot leave the place where backbiting is going on and people either do not stop when being asked to stop or do ot accept that what they do is backbiting and start arguing, can one put their fingers in their ears to block out their voices or put on a headset and listen to something beneficial?.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding something that my husband and I were talking about. My husband's youngest uncle has a child aged four. The uncle and his wife work very much, so the uncle's mom takes care of the child. I am often around at this family's house (my husband lives in other country), and I always see the uncle's mother hitting.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is the expression 'Goddammit' a very great sin, Islamically?
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My question is the following; there is a hadith of Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, in which one person came and asked him about masturbation and he turned in dislike and and said, "Marrying a slave girl is better than that, and it is better than fornication." My question is: is this hadith authentic? Please answer this question.
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