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583 fatwas

  • Presenting fake certificate impermissible under all circumstances

    My father works in a haram bussinness, his bussinnes has been doing bad for the last two years and he barely provides for the family. Our other source of income is my sister. I am a high school graduate and I want to study medicine. In order to get into med school, I have to do a two-year pre-med course. My question is, since my sister is the one who.. More

  • Saying 'O mother' or 'O father' as exclamation

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, when we are surprised or hurt or find something funny, we say 'O my mother' or 'O dad'. Is there any sin on us for this? .. More

  • Asking Allah to remove fever without cursing it

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. It is true, one must not curse fever, as that is forbidden. I want to know whether it would also be wrong for me to say, “Oh Allaah, I seek refuge with You from this fever or fever in general.” And what if I were to say, “Oh Allaah, take this fever away from me; heal me completely”?.. More

  • Saying ‘Rest in peace’ to deceased Muslim

    Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholars. I have a question regarding two conflicting statements. It is reported that ʿAbdullah ibn Masʿood, may Allaah be pleased with him, said,“There is no comfort or rest for the believer until he meets Allaah.” Wakeeʿ ibn Al-Jarraah, Al-Zuhd #86. It is reported that Masrooq, may Allaah have mercy with.. More

  • Ruling on students' inattentiveness in class

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykhs. Is gossiping and playing mobile games by students sitting on the back bench while classes are going on a kind of cheating? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Swearing is dispraised habit of tongue

    Assalaamu alaykum. I know now that swearing is prohibited, but what if the swearing is not directed at someone, like when someone randomly swearswhen something bad happens or perhaps swears at an object, and not a person? .. More

  • Making changes to house without legal permit

    Assalaamu alaykum. My father, my brother-in-law, and my brother, as well as a person whom I know, have made changes in their house without a permit, which is illegal. So what should I do; should I report them to the authorities, which will result in a fine of 50,000 dollars, or should they demolish the changes that they made? .. More

  • Receiving help during driving test

    I have a question. Background information: In a driving test (in my country), the student's driving teacher sits next to him in the car, and the tester sits behind the student (on the right side). Following case: Let us assume that before a test, the teacher says to the student that he will help him during the test through secret hand signs in the case.. More

  • Saying 'Oh mother!' or 'Oh father!' to express surprise

    This question is about fatwa id:281152. I know from this fatwa that saying "Jesus" in surprise like many Christians do constitutes Shirk (polytheism) as it is seeking help from someone other than Allaah. In my country, there is a habit of people saying, "Oh mother!" or, "Oh father!" when they are surprised. No one expects their parents to help them,.. More

  • Deceiving government to get cheap housing

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live in London, UK with my husband and my two kids. We rent a flat there, the rent is very expensive, and the property is very small. In order to get a council house, we either need to wait for ages or be homeless. The agency which we rent from has offered to evict us, but we would pay the court fees. The eviction would take place.. More

  • Asking people for help in general matters

    Assalaamu alaykum, in the Name of Allaah! Is it permissible for a Muslim to ask his fellow Muslims for help in general matters like, for example: 1) Could you get me a mobile from abroad; I will pay you money? 2) A woman asking her husband to get some sweets from the shop? 3) Asking a Muslim friend to give you notes to study for an exam? 4) Asking an.. More

  • Lying about identity to market product online

    What is the ruling on affiliate marketing on the Internet? Sometimes, people use a fake ID to market their product. For example, I do not live in Qatar, but I create a Facebook account and put my country name as Qatar in order to target Qatari people to buy my product online. Is this kind of marketing halal or haram? .. More

  • Lying to parents about how suitor met their daughter

    Assalaamu alaykum. I met a girl through a website dedicated to teaching English. I am a fluent English speaker, and she needed help. After speaking a few times, it became apparent that there is a mutual attraction, and we decided to end communication unless I can speak with her family. I am new in Egypt, she is 17 years younger than me, and I am still.. More

  • Calling someone mad for leaving masjid right after prayer

    Oftentimes, when someone gets up to leave the masjid straight after the congregation ends, some people comment, ''This man becomes mad for going out of the masjid.'' Is this a sinful comment (because of using the word ''mad'')? .. More

  • Lying to parent about exact amount of tuition

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, what is the ruling on one who collected an amount for tuition from his father that was higher than the actual fee. For example, the tuition costs $1,000, but he needed more than that, and knowing that it would be tough for him to get more than that, he told his father that it costs $1,150. Is this permissible? Wassalaam. .. More