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According to your site we can liefor some necessityor to protect someone. Are the following examples reason for lying? My uncle lied that his son passed in the exam. This is to keep it a secret. My wife's aunt lied that she did not give dowry (money given by bride's parents to the groom) to the groom of her daughter. Here both uncle and aunt.. More
What to do in order to avoid hesitations in my duties? My problem is that everything I begin, I can not end it because of hesitations.
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I lived with my husband for 4 years, and I worked all that time. He never paid me any thing. I worked hard and all the time. When he divorced me I took my money that I calculated for the 4 years of work. He spread gossip about me claiming that I stole from him and even said that to his family. He told them that I was abused by some men. It is very.. More
Is it Haram to speak badly about kafirs and oppressive leaders in their absence?
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I have a habit of biting my nails. Is this a sin?.. More
I have a very important question and I really want to have an answer for that. I hopeyou will find the time and answer me.
I am a 27 year old, mother of two children, and I live in the USA. I have beenmarried for 9 years. Last year just to sponsor my brother from Africa to come to the USA, I filled a false divorce and got the paper... More
Does committing a sin twice make it major sin?.. More
In the last 13 years of the Somali civil war, some Somali people have committed crimes against their fellow Muslim brothers, including rape, robbery, useless killings and confiscation of other people's properties and regions.
Worst still, they haven't repented of their crimes nor ceased their criminal activities and still consider themselves.. More
In a situation where continued dispute could lead to serious consequences (like a very treated argument) and a promise or lie is made to avoid disaster, must it be fulfilled?.. More
In Islam why it is the younger ones are always at a disadvantage, because in any strained relations the younger ones must ask for forgiveness, be humble, be courteous and as for the elder ones, although in the wrong, are arrogant and higher and most of the times do not give way? Is this fair in Islam? Please advise... More
I'm a young man 40 years old. I 'm a Moroccan Muslim. When I was in my country I lived a hard life, I worked for family, my mother and sister, plus my wife. We were about nine people I could not support them I began filing for immigration to Canada; It will cost me about 15000 Canadian with a lawyer and travel expenses. But I don't have the money, I.. More
Is it Haram to backbite about non- Muslims?.. More
Why do you say that if wife/husband is ill or one went far away for a few days then masturbation by either of them in the absence of the other is an illegal sexual act? There is no fornication here. Moreover, masturbation relieves him of sexual tension and prevents him from fornication. Hope you will answer this question. Thank you... More
I am feeling sexually attracted to my pet dog. If I act upon these feelings will I be cursed?.. More
In Hong Kong if a family is there permanently and the head of the family is without work the government requires that he apply for welfare. If approved the government will issue a monthly amount for his family. Is this money Halal? Some people make false claims... More
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