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If some one who was a singer died does his deeds will be continuous after his death. .. More
I heard a man saying: “Imagine that there is a frog and there is a fisherman who wants to fish, and the frog plunges down the water to inform the fish about the presence of the fisherman. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is like the frog, but the comparison is not the same, and the devil is like the fisherman.” I told him: “How dare.. More
When I have performed ablution, and a man asks me: “Do you have ablution?, is it permissible for me to answer “If Allaah so wills.”?.. More
I had a financial debt that I accumulated during my marriage with out my husband's knowledge. It is now paid off with money that I saved up. I never told my husband about this because it would damage our relationship and cause great tension and distance between us. Does this fall under one of the categories where it is permissible to tell a lie?.. More
Please can you tell me about cursed language and cursed tribe? I heard some people saying cursed language and cursed tribe for a certain language and tribe. So I do not think this is fair to say. But can you tell me more about, if there are such things in Islamic principle or not? .. More
Is it Haraam to make the sound of the pig from your throat?.. More
In my college we have a education maintenance allowance system in which we gain £30 a week if we have 100% attendance if someone swipes in the lesson but does not attend the lesson however is registered as present is this £30 a week Haraam because he missed the lesson but was registered as present? .. More
This question is about respect to our parents and how to treat them. Of course I know that it is important in our religion to respect our parents and especially when they are Muslims.
Now my problem is that my father, who is Muslim but who is also ill of cancer and so his psycho is not so good... well anyway he often talks bad about other people,.. More
I have a 13-year old brother and I know his hormones are raging at this age to have sex, and I have recently caught him masturbating and don't know what shall I do has he is to young to get married. .. More
I am married to a Muslim who is known to have a drug addiction. His addiction has caused problems which have caused him to move from state to state and Masjid to Masjid.
Under what conditions a person should be warned against? He says he is going to change and then he does the same acts over and over. We have lost a lot of property, cars, computers,.. More
My friend has got a gold set (jewelry) which was given to her by her husband but her father in-law have kept it in his locker as a Amanaat. Now she wants to sale it out and uses its money in some other good cause because she doesn't wear it at all. Once she asked his father in-law for it but he didn't allow herbecause he thinks that she will.. More
I am a Muslim girl and my sister which is bigger that me a lot she backbites a lot and is twofaced and whenever I tell not to backbites and to act normal she shouts and to and gets angry. Please help me. .. More
I came to England 6 years ago and I change my name and I say am a sylem but I never say the true and all my live is destroyed what can I do? .. More
A Muslim sitting in the Masjid (Mosque) with feet pointing in the direction of Ka'bah (Bait-u-Allaah) or pointing to the Quran lying in front -Is it not disrespect to both Holiest objects? .. More
I am a married woman 25 years-old and a mother of 11 month old baby girl and pregnant now. We live in London in a very small flat (studio) we can get a bigger one from the council and pay only very small rent but only if we deny having this flat and some other facts with the truth that my husband kept paying the tax for 6 years (quarter of his.. More
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