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585 fatwas

  • Warning people about cheaters is not backbiting

    Assalaamu alaykum. We have come here in India for medical treatment, and my father was explaining his problem and treatment until it reached the point of gossip. People usually use translators because they do not know Urdu. So he was explaining about them how they trick people, obtain money, etc. even though they are Muslim, but they have gone as far.. More

  • Definition of evildoing and sinning openly

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can you explain what evildoing is and when a believer becomes an evildoer? As for the hadith which says that Allah will not forgove a person who sins openly; does this mean that he will surely be thrown into the Fire, or may Allah forgive him if He wills and is that just a warning from the Prophet,.. More

  • Conditions of praising a person

    Can you please explain the guidelines of praising others, and when it is permissible or when it is blameworthy? The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said that if anyone praises you, you should put dirt in his mouth. Please explain. .. More

  • Cheating in college attendance, and meaning of

    Asslaamu alaykum. Shaykh, my questions are the following: 1. In my college, I do not attend the lectures and ask my friend to sign for my attendance. Is there a sin on me because the teacher thinks that I am present while I am not? 2. Can you explain the meaning of 'Rabitat'; it is mentioned in the last verse of Surat Aal-‘Imraan. .. More

  • Using Algerian expression ‘me and Allah’ to mean being alone

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. Yesterday, when I entered my grandmother's home, I asked whether they were alone in the house (my grandmother and my aunt) or if there was any guest in the house. She said, “No, we are just the two of us (my granmother and my aunt) and Allah.” This is a typicall expression here in Algeria, which is said, for instance,.. More

  • Chain mail that asks people to click ‘like’ if they love Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, there are people who post some chainmail saying something like, “‘Like’ if you love Allah, and ignore if you do not care.” My parents said that it does not matter whether I click ‘like’ or not, because what matters is what I actually feel towards Allah. In such case, is it my obligation to click ‘like’?.. More

  • Overhearing answer while taking admission exam

    Is it permissible for me to continue my studies? Assalaamu alaykum. In my medical admission test, I gave one MCQ (multiple choice question) question's answer by hearing it from others. I did not ask anyone to tell me the answer. What happened is that others were cheating by discussing the answer, and I heard the answer intentionally. I gave all the.. More

  • Repentance from committing slander

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is the following statement considered slander, bad thought, or accusing another in a scenario in which the reality is opposite to the statement: “I think he said something (and thereafter this issue was raised and became a problem, because it happened after we had somewhat of a confrontation)” - i.e. the reality is that the person.. More

  • Helping Muslim students against discrimination by raising their grades

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear scholars, today I am going to ask whether a certain action is valid or not. I am from Ethiopia, a country in which Muslims are a minority. I am a university instructor teaching higher institutional students. The number of Muslim students is very low compared to the other students, especially the.. More

  • Whether answering questions based on guessing is considered lying

    We need to obey the laws of our country if they do not command us to commit a sin. So if I am learning for the driving test and the question is something like "What are you not allowed to do?" and I do not know the answer but ponder and answer what I think is most likely, am I lying or saying that something is halal or haram without knowledge? Is this.. More

  • Hearing backbiting unintentionally

    Assalaamu alaykum Scholars. A few days ago, I was in the masjid, and I was praying a voluntary prayer on the second floor. On the first floor, there were two imams who were having a discussion. I think I heard clear backbiting (and Allaah knows best) while I was praying. Do I bear the sin of the listener to backbiting despite the fact that I was praying.. More

  • Lying in non-Muslim court to get one's rights

    An orphan revert with four children is due compensation and money for her kids from her ex-husband, who abused her for 13 years and is a disbeliever, and he is rich but has not been paying anything for the children. However, in order to get what she is due and to get the rights of her children, she has been asked to tell some lies in court. Her ex-husband.. More

  • Difference between pride and arrogance

    What is the difference between pride and arrogance? In which case is pride permitted? Please, kindly give examples of behaviour which indicates arrogance. Is looking down upon people considered arrogance? .. More

  • Saying to someone: I am well by the blessing of your supplication.

    Assalaamu alaykum. There are many ignorant people who, whenever I ask them, “How are you?” reply, “I am well, by the blessings of your supplication,” though I have not supplicated for them. They do not say, “I am well by the mercy of Allaah.” Is this type of saying permitted? .. More

  • Whether recounting person's injustice constitutes backbiting

    Hi, Shaykh. I have a question. Please advise me on what to do. I am a married Muslim woman; I have been married for three years now. I have a sister-in-law who has been treating me really bad, and I used to tell people,like her cousins and so, what she used to do to me. I never said anything false and never added anything to what she did, and they reported.. More