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585 fatwas

  • Hadeeth about Companion who claimed to have had an argument with his father

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read a hadith about a Companion who will enter Paradise. In this hadith, another Companion told him a white lie, saying that he had had a dispute with his father and had to stay outside the home for three nights. Is that type of white lie permissible? .. More

  • Laughing loudly is disliked

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether laughing out loud is haram in Islam; and secondly, someone mentioned that laughing loudly is a devil's laugh and that we should refrain from laughing loudly. Kindly advise with references. Salaam. .. More

  • Calling someone ‘m love’ or ‘my life’

    Assalaamu alaykum. Can I call someone ‘my love’? Also, the word ‘Jani’ means life in my language, can I call someone with that, and also, can I say that I won a match because of a person's match-winning performance, or do I have to say, “I won because of Allah”? Also, why do we call Allah the ‘Greatest’? If there is no one great around.. More

  • Talking about one who wronged you is not backbiting

    If I narrate something (i.e. some wrongdoing) that someone or some people did to me without specifying their names and their appearances, and I use general terms like “they”, “some people” etc. because I do not want to fall into the sin of backbiting and I talk about it with some people and then they tell me that they know who I am talking about.. More

  • Lying to clients for work

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a single woman and live with my parents. I got an opportunity to work from home for a call centre. I am from South Asia and have to make calls to Europe. I should lie to the clients and tell them that I am calling from Europe. I am so worried and confused regarding whether I am doing a sin. If I do not do this, then I have to.. More

  • Lying about being unmarried for protection

    Salaam. Am I able to lie and say that I am married when I am not? (I am divorced and have no intention of ever marrying again.) I live alone and am fully dependable on myself for survival. My job requires interaction with males for business purposes. However, I am being treated with disrespect by my own people, and I no longer wish to work with them,.. More

  • Lying about nationality to receive scholarship

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. There is an American company that offers a global online scholarship about technology. However, you are from some specific countries, you are not eligible to participate in it, and I am from one of those banned countries. I contacted them to get an explanation regarding this restriction, and they said.. More

  • Suspecting that fiancé masturbates and watches pornography

    Assalaamu alaykum. I found out that my fiancé masturbates and watches bad videos. He would “like” a comment on Facebook about a shaykh speaking about how to get rid of this, and this is how I knew. He also hinted before to me that he does it and tries to stop. I feel devastated for two reasons: he is perfect in every other way. I am also devastated.. More

  • Replying “In Shaa’ Allah’ when asked to do something unlawful

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. In my job, my boss asked me to do something haram, and as I felt shy to say, “No,” to him at that time, I said, “In Shaa’ Allah (Allah willing).” Is it permisible to say “In Shaa’ Allah,”regarding a sin? I only said it because I felt shy to say, “No,” to him at that time, but I will not actually do it,.. More

  • Islam's view on narcissistic people who look down on others

    What is the ruling on people who are narcissistic and look down on people? Is it a major sin? Even if they are better than others and more skilled, do they have the right to look down upon people? If we are annoyed with or feel hatred towards this type of people, are we sinning? .. More

  • Lying to preserve one's hijaab

    Assalaamu alaykum. I hope and pray that you are in the best of health and Imaan (faith). I have a question regarding lying. Recently, I started wearing the niqab, praise be to Allaah, but my family somehow does not like this. Today, my uncle (not my real uncle) came to our home with his family, so I went to meet them, and I was wearing the hijab. He.. More

  • Sharing unverified reports with people

    Recently, my aunt told me something which her daughter had said, and that made me doubt her daughter's faith. What I can say is that it sounded as if she has no trust in Allah. My aunt told me not to discuss it with people. Am I allowed to discuss what her daughter said with people? .. More

  • Certificate received after cheating in final exam

    Assalaamu alaykum. Earlier, I send in a question about cheating in exams. I wanted to know: if a person has studied at a training program in college and cheated only in the the last course/exam and then received a degree certificate, is it then sinful to present this degree when applying for a job? You reffered me to fatwa No. 314146, where you referred.. More

  • Non-compliance with state regulations in manufacturing medicine

    Assalaamu alaykum. Dear brother in Islam, I am a unani (medicines made of plants, animals and minerals sources) physician and want to establish a unani medicine factory in Bangladesh. There is a national unani formulary which every manufacturer has to follow. You may know that this country is corrupt in every sector. Usually, most of the manufacturers.. More

  • Lying to parents about going to college

    Assalaamu alaykum. My brother and I are studying abroad. He is not going to the university, and my parents are still sending him his tution fees, and the semester already started and has reached the midterms, but he did not pay the tution fees and lies to my parents about going to university. He is older than me; I tried making him go to university.. More