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199 fatwas

  • Bleeding Discharges After 40 Days from Miscarriage

    Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu I had a miscarriage(3months feotus) on 8 December and bled for 17 days. Then I saw white discharge so I took ghusl and started praying. After6 days I started bleeding again. Considering this to be my monthly period as it coincided on the same date, I stopped praying again. I know that the maximum limit for.. More

  • She Is Not Sure When Her Period Ends

    Assalamu alaikum. I am not sure when my period ended. Earlier I used to take it as 5 days. But this time I am confused. After 5 days, for few hours my pad was dry and then I had yellow discharge. I know that discharge after dryness is not regarded as periods but my doubt is the discharge was thick (when I checked by touching my private parts) so that.. More

  • Menstruating Women Are Not Permitted to Enter the Mosque

    Can ladies enter and stay in Masjid during their monthly menses period, some are teaching in the Masjid .. More

  • Had Menses on Her Way for ‘Umrah

    Assalamualaikum brother, we planned for umrah and then go to Jeddah after umrah but since my sister got her menses we decided that whole family will perform umrah except her and as we are going to Jeddah in our cousins home and she can make niyyah for umrah from my cousins home in Jeddah and do umrah. Will this be correct if she makes niyyah from my.. More

  • When to Check If She Is Pure From Menses

    When a woman is menstruating, I read that before she goes to sleep she has to check if her menses has ended. Is this only when going to sleep at night or anytime for example, during the night she might be woken up by a noise, does she leave her bed to check? Or she might nap during the day, does she check? .. More

  • She is Uncertain of When She Becomes Pure After Menses

    Assalamu'alaykum. In fatwa 331531, it is said that women must check signs of purity before prayer's time ends. When I check before Asr ends, I find that I haven't attained purity, then I wash my private parts. So do I have to do the same before Maghrib ends? The interval between Maghrib to Isha is short so I usually wouldn't find any dishcarge during.. More

  • She Suffers From Continuous Bleeding: How to Pray

    Assalamu Alaikum My question is about istihada or continuous bleeding. So the hadis says that one must do wudu at the time of each prayer.What does this mean. Does it mean if it is zhur time. Then she must make one wudu with the intention of praying all the prayers and then pray.Or does the hadith mean that she must make wudu for each voluntary or obligstory.. More

  • Incidents are Attributed to the Nearest Time to it

    1- If a woman gets into bed at night in a state of purity and finds her underwear blood-stained when she wakes up, when is her menses considered to have started?2- If a woman gets into bed in a state of menstruation and sees no sign of blood on her pad when she wakes up, when is her menstruation considered to have stopped? .. More

  • Bleeding Between Her Menses

    Assalam alaikumI have my monthly periods every month. Mg problem isI suffer from bleeding between my periods. Its in the nature of slight spotting. It generallh occurs when i m physically very tired and stressed out. Can i pray, fast and touch the Holy Quran for recitation during such times? Please help and answer as i Do not wish to miss my fasts Allah.. More

  • Brownish discharge after menstruation

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am really confused about my period. I normally see a brownish discharge the first 1-2 days of my menstruation; then, for 4-5 days, I see blood. On the 6th, 7th, 8th days, I see a small amount of (thick) brownish color on my pad every few hours, but it does not soak my pad and only stays on the surface. On the 9th and 10th days (and.. More

  • Reddish discharge after Ghusl from menstruation

    Assalaamu alaykum. I thought that my menstruation had ended. I woke up in the morning and saw some brown discharge, and after a while I saw white discharge (I think), so I hurriedly wentand took a bath, because I have many missed prayers in the past, when I did not pray with ablution (I suffer from Waswaas [devilish whisperings/obsessive doubts]), so.. More

  • Whether light brownish discharge is menstruation

    Assalaamu alaykum. I just experienced menstruation. Oftentimes around my menstruation, I experience brownish discharge. I have read all other fatwas regarding this matter on this site, but I cannot find the answer. The problem is that this discharge is not dark brown, it is a light brown, almost cream coloured. I experienced this discharge after I purified.. More

  • Confused about determining end of menses

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am really confused with regards to the end of menses. I know that it is indicated by either complete dryness or the emission of white discharge. I check three times at once to make sure that I am pure and in case the tissue did not enter the private part properly the first time or so. For example, at the time of the Fajr, the first.. More

  • Confusion because of irregular menstrual period

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about menstruation. I have an extremely irregular cycle, and it has recently gotten worse, which has impacted my prayers. Usually, at the start of my period, I get spotting, and then the flow becomes gradually heavier; on average, the period lasts 6 days. Recently, I experienced spotting and naturally stopped praying,.. More

  • When to make Ghusl if menses are irregular

    I have a question about Ghusl (ritual shower) after menses. I have read numerous information available on the subject on different websites, and none of them made it clear for me, so I am asking you to guide me in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. My problem is that I used to have periods for 10 days, but then after my kid's birth, they reduced.. More