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199 fatwas

  • Signs of end of menses

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I request that you write back in a fatwa as I need a direct answer to my question. My period is usually a week long, and I just had my period recently. After a week, I inserted a piece of cotton to check for any discharge and found really small spots of yellow discharge. I checked again and found some more wetness but could.. More

  • Making ghusl before ascertaining that menstrual period is over

    On the last day of my menses, I saw a colored discharge before making ghusl (bath taken in case of major ritual impurity) and took a bath assuming it to be the last, colored (reddish) discharge. I made the intention that if my period was over, then that would be a ghusl, and if not, then it would be a normal bath, and I did ghusl. However, I did not.. More

  • The prayers due when menstruation stops after the ‘Asr prayer

    I read a fatwa issued by your Fatwa Center stating that when a menstruating woman becomes pure after the ‘Asr (afternoon) prayer, according to the majority of scholars, she has to pray Thuhr (noon) and ‘Asr (afternoon) prayers. What is the evidence? As far as I know, she has to perform the prayer whose fixed time is due at the cessation of blood... More

  • Indications of purity observed between two instances of menstrual bleeding

    Assalamualikum. My question is regarding menstruation. What is the ruling regarding a woman's mensuteral cycle who sees bleeding for 4-5 days den white discharge and then yellowish or brownish duscharge on 7th and 8th day and then white discharge on 9th and 10th day and then complete dryness or occasionally white discharge till the next period. When.. More

  • Menstruation is decreed by Allaah for women

    Why does a woman experience menstruation every month, not every year or two months, for example? .. More

  • What is permissible for a menstruating woman after purity and before Ghusl

    What are the three things that a menstruating woman can do after cessation of blood and before making Ghusl (shower taken in case of major impurity)? .. More

  • Recurring blood within forty days after birth is Nifaas

    Assalaamualaikum May Allah fulfill your wishes.. Jazakallahu khair for your effors... Its very helpful..My question is I had a 37 day nifas.... Then 8 days purity....then i saw Few drops of red blood along with pain... Is this mensus or istihada? Because i had only 8 days of purity in between and for mensus it has to be 15 days right? Jazakumullohu.. More

  • Suffering an irregular menstrual cycle

    Is there any way in Islam to regulate periods. I have very disordered periods sometimes it comes and sometime they not. Due to which I have difficulty in getting pregnant. I have been trying much but no way out. Please help.. . I shall be thankful for ur support .. More

  • Menstruating woman should leave prayer only out of obedience

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I want to ask about the ruling on a woman, who, although she likes praying, feels some feeling of relief when she gets her period or that she can relax more, because she does not have to worry about oversleeping at the time of the prayer or planning her daily routine around the times of the prayers or waking up at a particular time... More

  • Menses does not exceed fifteen days

    After pregnancy I got like a little pocket in the uthero. Every time I have hard fuel of blood during menses, some blood fall down in this pocket and come out by 3-4 days by the end of menses. What Should I do, get ghusl after the menses and stop praing if the blood in the pocket come out and remake ghusl after that. Or wait still at stilla 7-10 days.. More

  • Menstruation is not a shame in Islam

    Menstruation has become a stigma in our society, I wanted to know if it is a cultural aspect or does Islam prohibit the mentioning of menstruation. For example, girls and women have to hide their sanitary napkins and bring them in to their rooms when no one is watching, they have to pretend they are fasting in their homes while they are menstruating.. More

  • Maximum and minimum period of menstruation

    Salam Alaikum I had my period on 4/13/2014. that time I was taking birth control pills.on the 4/23/2014 I had the paraguard iud inserted.4/25/2014 I started to bleed for 5 days and I did not pray.after that I took ashower and I satred to pray but on 5/10/2014 i started to beed again. my question is : is that a period or not. what to do. thank you .. More

  • She doubts that she made Ghusl the right time after menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I was brought up by non-Muslim parents so I never learned how to check the end of my menstrual period. When I reverted to Islam I learned that it is necessary to do ghusl before praying after the end of the period but I used to think that the period ended when you didn't see any more blood coming out onto the sanitary towel. One.. More

  • She suspects that she fasted during menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I used to have a problem determining the end of my period because I didn't have a white discharge or complete dryness. I used to have a discharge more or less all the time between periods. I used to calculate the end according to a method I had seen in a fatwa based on having 15 days purity between every period and distinguishing.. More

  • She sees dry blood particles outside her regular menses

    Asak. I had caesarian 5 months back and got periods without pause and i m feeding.. i see tiny dry blood particles outside periods with dryness. Not immediately after periods but after a week or so...also my last period came after 2 months n lasted for more than usual cycle. Before delivery i used to see them 3-4 prior to onset of regular cycle, along.. More