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With regards to being unaware of a particular ruling in Islam, is one excused from previous misdoings? For instance, I think I had mistaken purity after menses a few years ago and prayed but then later discovered otherwise. I might’ve prayed some Salah with invalid ghusal so would I be excused from making them up. Jazak Allah, may Allah reward you.. More
I missed 13-15 fasting of ramadan intentionally in previous 6-7 year. Some of the fasting was broken by musterbation and some are by eating.I missed salah for 14 years cause of laziness. Now I am 24 years old. I am upset and felt depression for this. How can I make up this fast and salah according to most authenticate opinion?.. More
Is it haram to visit any other mosque than the nearest? Are there conditions or exceptions?There are many mosques around my city, is there a distance limit to which I can visit? I dislike going to the nearest mosque either because I can't understand the Imam when he is speaking, or because the number of acquaintances that distract me or waste my time.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhI have a question with regards to husband's responsibilities. Will the husband at sin if he let his wife miss the salah? For example, if the wife is lazy to get up for fajr salah and she prayed outside the time, will the husband at sin for not advising or encouraging the wife to pray on time?.. More
What is the ruling concerning someone who did not prayed at all for a long time bur started to pray and take religion seriously again without saying the shahada again?
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Assalamualaikum,Yesterday I was praying maghrib salah in congregation at a musallah. I had to be somewhere pretty quick after prayer ended. I was in the front row praying directly behind the Imam, and after Maghrib ended, the imam turned around to face the people who prayed behind him. i needed to pray my sunnah, but the whole musallah was full so I.. More
If someone coughs unintentionally the prayer becomes invalid; if the imam coughs i would'nt be certain if it was intentional but i have a strong feeling that the imam coughed intentionally, so i repeat the prayer to be on the safe side. Should i repeat the prayer if the imam coughs?
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My question is regarding making up a missed Asr prayer. My husband, me and pre-teen boys were at a public function (the Qatar National Day function) on Monday. It was supposed to start at 3 and finish by 4, with prayer and toilet facilities arranged etc. However, when we reached the venue, we realized how crowded it all was and we couldn't move from.. More
Salamuhalykum WarahmatullahMy question is to ask about the ruling concerning the call to prayer after the Adzhan has already been made for the compulsory Fajr prayer, this is because the Imam of the Masjid near my residence used to practise this act by calling out people as a means of enticing them to come and pray in a very loud voice using the microphone.. More
As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatu llahi wa-barakatuh. I have read that we may still perform emphasized sunnah prayers in the Hanbali maddhab despite having many qada’ prayers. Please let me know if there is a limit on how many raka‘at we may perform for Duha and Witr, according to the Hanbalis, if those prayers are allowed in this scenario. Baraka.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, i want to ask if it would be permissible to miss Jummah Prayer because, i had a wet dream so i have to do ghusl, and if i do ghusl and go out in the cold weather ( since we are in the winter) there is a huge possibility that i will catch a cold and get sick, so would it be permissible to miss it?
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Assalamu'alykum warohmatulloh wabarokatuh. Some people started observing solatul Magbrib before the sun sets in a masjid I was present but I didn't join them as the appointed time of the solat has not reached. But before the congregation finished the solat, the sun had set and I joined the congregation as the appointed time of the solatul maghrib has.. More
I just want to ask regarding the ruling upon one waking up at a time close to sunrise; yet he had a wet dream and was lazy to go do ghusl as he knew that sunrise will come if he does ghusl so he went back to sleep only to wake up after 3 hours till he actually woke up and did ghusl and prayed. Did I commit any sins for delaying the prayer even though.. More
Salam Aleikum,Is it permissible to pray behind an imam who cannot stand upright except by support? He must hold the wall occasionally during the prayer to find balance and outside the salah he must use a walking stick. And are prayers valid if I pray behind Sufi groups who recite burdah qasidah?JazakAllah khayr
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Assalamu-Aleykoom, I was praying fajr prayer by myself (I missed the jama'a prayer) and while I was sitting, instead of saying the tahiyya I began reciting surat ilfatiha. Out of habit, I said astaghfirillah and then said the tahiya and continued from there until I finished the prayer. Is saying astaghfirillah in prayer during a sequence where there.. More
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