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Asalamu Alaykum, I have missed prayers in the past and they may be due to legitimate reasons and non legitimate reasons. I can remember some of them but I can’t remember all and their circumstances, I want to know how I can fix this situation. Right now I’m not making anything up and just my current ones I’m praying. Is this wrong? Also I think.. More
With regards to being unaware of a particular ruling in Islam, is one excused from previous misdoings? For instance, I think I had mistaken purity after menses a few years ago and prayed but then later discovered otherwise. I might’ve prayed some Salah with invalid ghusal so would I be excused from making them up. Jazak Allah, may Allah reward you.. More
I missed 13-15 fasting of ramadan intentionally in previous 6-7 year. Some of the fasting was broken by musterbation and some are by eating.I missed salah for 14 years cause of laziness. Now I am 24 years old. I am upset and felt depression for this. How can I make up this fast and salah according to most authenticate opinion?.. More
My question is regarding making up a missed Asr prayer. My husband, me and pre-teen boys were at a public function (the Qatar National Day function) on Monday. It was supposed to start at 3 and finish by 4, with prayer and toilet facilities arranged etc. However, when we reached the venue, we realized how crowded it all was and we couldn't move from.. More
As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatu llahi wa-barakatuh. I have read that we may still perform emphasized sunnah prayers in the Hanbali maddhab despite having many qada’ prayers. Please let me know if there is a limit on how many raka‘at we may perform for Duha and Witr, according to the Hanbalis, if those prayers are allowed in this scenario. Baraka.. More
Salam ew aalykum ew rahmet allah ew barakatuhu,
I want to ask if I owe 22 years of prayers what time of the day do I have to provide them, morning or after each prayer of the 5 prayer times meaning after I finish the “FARED” of each prayer of the day then I start praying my old ones.
Can I pray in the MORNING when I have my most energy as many.. More
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته.. My question is : If a person commited kufr, and he wants to repeat his prayers and fasts. How to repeat the prayers? Can we pray after asr (disallowed time to pray) ? Can we pray alot, maybe like 20 prayers (4 days worth of prayers) in one time, or more? Does the prayers have to be in orders.. More
As Salamu alaykum wr wb,
this issue has been bothering me for some time. I'm a revert and started praying my salah maybe 2 years ago. In the beginning there were some things I did wrong during salah like not covering my head properly and not pronouncing the Arabic correctly, however I was still learning.
There was this one period of time I would do.. More
If someone misses Fajr unintentionally and wakes up after sunrise but sleeps again deliberately and prays it later, will his prayer be valid, will he come under the same ruling as whom scholars have said about that deliberately missing the prayer or this matter is a little broader in scope (as he deliberately didn't sleep till sunrise) ?
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I haven’t prayed for about 1 and a half years is it better for me to start to pray qaza to make up for prayer I missed or just pray non muakaddah sunnah everyday if I pray same extra Rakats per day
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Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahDear Shaykh No matter how much I try I am unable to wake up for Fajar. Furthermore, I am suffer from extreme laziness in morning that I am even unable to do my studies prior to midnoon. I feel I am spiritually sick and I am suffering spiritual disease. Please guide what should I do? I really want to make Fajar regular.. More
i know that if someone misses salah for sleep he must pray it immediately after getting up. but in a hadith of sahih muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam got up after sunrise but didn't pray immediately. He firstly moved from that place and then prayed in another place? what's the explanation? again, if we a group of people get up late should.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have read several fatwas on making up for missed prayers, but I am still confused. I need to make up a lot of prayers (most of them I performed incorrectly, some I missed because of oversleeping, and others I missed deliberately). I read that the order in making up prayers is a condition for their.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question which I have been curious about. I know that Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, was of the opinion that a person does not have to make up for their past missed prayers if it was done deliberately. I heard that he, may Allah have mercy on him, chose this opinion on the basis that a person.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I beg you to send me a new fatwa for my case. I want to make up for the missed prayer that I left deliberately because of the evidence from the hadith. However, I believe that an ignorant person does not have to make up past prayers except for the current one. Is it permitted for me to onlymake up for the prayer that I missed deliberately.. More
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