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As salamu alaykum, I attend a college in a non Muslim country and I have a lesson between 12:00-13:00. 13:00 is when Salat al-Jumu'ah is prayed in the college musalla. However, this is before lunch and when it is 13:00 I usually feel hungry. Is it permissible for me to have lunch then attend Jumu'ah even if I miss some of the khutbah?
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I cannot go for Jumma prayer because of my mother health:My mother is suffering from MND disease in which she cant move she cant speak or eat , so she need everytime an existence of someone who can help her to fulfill her wish. Now i am alone at home with my mon and for Jumma Prayer i cant go because of her illnessplease tell me is that a sin because.. More
asalamu alakium dear scholars my question is what is the authenticity of the hadith cited with the number 1/358 in imam hakims book al mustadrak this is the hadith of abu hurayrah delivering a lecture before jummah prayers is it saheeh hassan or daeef and what have the scholars in the past like imam dhahabi and contemporary scholars like albani and.. More
Salam aleikum i wanted to ask bcoz i live in a non muslim country and there is no mosque in the whole country is it okay if i attend friday prayers and all prayers in my house?
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Assalamu AlaikumWhat to do in the time of iqama and khutba? And can we do dhkir in these times?
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The masjid is 20mins on the bike from my house and I cannot hear the athan from the masjid if it were called out loud, my parents are not allowing me to attend the masjid due to the coronavirus situation. I am wearing a mask and keeping my distance at the masjid and we have only a maximum of 8 people allowed inside so there isn't much contact. Am I.. More
Alsalam Alikom, my wife is pregnant, is it haram to skip Friday prayer to avoid the big crowd? I worry about me getting Corona since I might transmit it to her. Although I started attending social events with 10 to 20 people. Is my skipping Friday prayer haram?Please adviceThank you,
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If a person does not have the materials/tools necessary in order to become clean and remove bad odor from his body, then must he still attend Friday prayer? For example, he is homeless and smells very badly.
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As Salam alaikum sheikh, I am in a difficult position. Indeed, in my school (university) the timetable prevents me from going to Friday prayer. To add to that, France is a very intolerant country compare to the UK or US, they will never let you leave school for this reason, also if I try to deliberately miss class, after a few absences I will get point.. More
Asalamu Alkium,
I organize Jummah Prayers at my University in Canada. Within the time for Dhur we usually do 2 Jummahs to best accommodate students. However every year. We get about 25-30 students that are unable to make it to both Jummahs due to classes or a lab that span the time for both. The idea of making a 3rd Jummah comes up which divides our.. More
Can a women pray zuhr before jumma pyaryer of their men in the house ..
Many says that women cannot pray zuhr before there men are back home from jumma prayer ..
And i have classes so have to leave at 1 pm so can i offer zuhr at 12:30 .?
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Assalamu Alaykum
What are the conditions for a Khateeb? Does he necessarily needs to be an Aalim i.e. someone who has studied formally at an Islamic institution or is it enough for him to be sahihul aqeedah who has good knowledge of Arabic language to refer to the book of salaf to read the khutbah for people on Jumuah or Eidayn.
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The closest masjid to my school holds 2 Jumuahs because there is not enough space for everyone and other masajid are too far away. First one is at 1-1:30pm and second one at 2-2:30pm while school ends at 1.15pm, so I need to run to catch at least 1 rakah from the first Jumuah.My questions are: 1. What should I do in this situation?and2. What if I miss.. More
Salaam ‘Alaykum.If a person is always late for Jumu’ah and misses the khutbah but catches the prayer, then does he fall into the threat of those whose hearts may be concealed? What if this person tries but is habitually unpunctual?Jazaakum-Allaah Khayran.
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Every week, we gather in an auditorium/large classroom to learn Quranic Arabic grammar before the Friday prayer. For the Friday prayer, we need to take a two-hour-break, as the Friday prayers are conducted at a delayed time in the local masjids. Could we conduct the Friday prayer in the auditorium/classroom on time and then continue the Arabic grammar.. More
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