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What is said when presenting condolences to a Muslim and what is the suitable reply?.. More
Please give me a ruling about the condolences to be given to the deceased’s family. The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “There should be no sitting for condolences.” What should the deceased’s family do if their relatives come for condolences from far off places and it is difficult on them to leave once the deceased.. More
Assalamu alaikum, is it right for parents to mention in public the good deeds of their child who died as a martyr? Because it is bad to be proud of ones deeds and to speak about them, of raising the child up to be virtuous. People want to take martyrs as an example they know to follow and they follow the hadith that says: “Mention the good deeds of.. More
Is there any evidence in the Quran or Sunnah confining the condolence period to three days or is it just a habit? .. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim to console non-Muslims? In other words, my wife is a Swedish Muslim who belongs to a non-Muslim family. Could she enter the church for her father`s death? Could we share in the burial ceremony? Please benefit me... More
After my father had died, May Allaah have mercy upon him, there was something strange that happened to me. My American neighbor came to offer her condolences. She said to me: He is in the best place. Since this time, I no longer cry when I remember him, or when someone mentions him before me. Please, could you explain this for me?.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, In our muslim town, if someone dies, all the relatives of the deceased should visit the deceased's house and console his close relations (like his father/mother/wife etc) either on the same day or after sometime. In case anyone does not visit the deceased's house without any valid reasons, we will not talk to that person and cut.. More
if there is a death in the family and visiting them and making dua is this right or shown anywhere in the life of prophet p.b.u.h ?.. More
A muslim friend of mine visited a church recently to pay respects to a neighbour whose husband had died. The neighbour was n the church together with her husband's remains. Is it against Islam to visit a church, even for this purpose?.. More
1. What should an advertisement be like according to Islam? Is there any difference in its type and application?
2. Is it permissible to say Tuwufiya (passed away with respect) for non- Muslims as some TV channels or individuals say when non-Muslims die?
3. Were the Surahs of the Qur'an revealed to prophet Mohammed (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa.. More
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