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Is it possible if we were to Sadaqah our good deeds to a person who has passed away after we have done the good deed, without having that Nawaitu when we do that good deed? Like sometimes when I read the Qur'an, I do not have the intention to read it for somebody who passed away. But maybe a month later I remember, and in my Du'a I ask so that my rewards.. More
My uncle just passed away about 2 weeks ago. I went out and printed some verses from the Qur'an and distributed them around mosques. Would my uncle be rewarded for such Sadakha even if it was out of my pocket, not his?
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If we make a duaa for a person who died, Is he benefited ? If we read Qur'an for a dead body, does he get jaza (reward)?Also two or three or more person do this together. For example, we visit a house of the person who died and we make Duaa or Qur'an for "EIsaal-e-sawab", no food or any other thing.In islam Duaa-e-Magfrat is allowed and we can do it.. More
If a child prays for the forgiveness of his/her father who has passed away, regardless if the father was sinful or not, does it only save him in the grave, or will it also save him during the Resurrection Day?
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My father is not living. Can I fast for him so he gets reward from Allah? He, al-Hamdulillah, was very punctual regarding his prayers and fasts. I just want to know if I can fast on my own for him and not as compensation for some of his missing fasts.Is it ok to do Umrah or Hajj for a dead person? Can we say Nafil for people who have died so that they.. More
My father died when I was 5 and I want to know if I can fast for the days that he might have not fasted, but I don't know the exact number of days! So, can I fast them? Also, I had an uncle who used to take care of us, like a father to us, but he died 3 years ago. I want to know if I can fast for him even though I don't know the number of days? When.. More
Can someone pay Fidya for Salat of a dead person who missed some Salat in his life?
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If someone dies that you know or a family member, and you had not asked for forgiveness for any wrong to them will you be forgiven if you pray for that person and ask Allah for forgiveness?
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1. Is it permissible to present the reward of recitation of Qur'an to dead relatives? 2. Is it correct to present the reward for more than one person?
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My 27-year-old sister died with her 8-year-old son. I can feel her around me. Is that possible and what can I do to help her?
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I have a question. Please guide me in this regard. When my father was dying he told us to pay some money to a good Muslim believer to say daily prayers for him as compensation of a part of his lost prayers. (Equal to 20 years of daily prayers). The Ulamahs of Shiite say we can do this, but the matter that somebody can say prayer for another person is.. More
What is the Islamic perspective upon fasting on behalf of someone else? Is it permitted to fast on behalf of somebody else?
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