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Assalamu alaykum. How to reconcile ayahs about competing in righteous deeds as: **« strive in a race in good deeds...»** (5:48) and this hadith: The Prophet (?) said, **"None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."** (Al-Bukhari 13) How can one compete and wish win for competitor? Is it obligatory.. More
Assalamu alaikum. It is said that prayer for the dead their children is one of the three ways to seek for forgiveness for them and add to their blessing. The problem I am having is of the proper way to pray for them. I normally ask God to forgive, accept heart deeds on earth, grant her peace in her grave and grant her a place in heaven. I can't help.. More
As salam Alaekum, About the prayer for the dead Muslim. I have lost my parents for few years and I learnt that the best way to remember them is to say this رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ
And do give some sadaqah on their behalf.... More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. My dear father passed away recently, and I have a simple question. Whenever I make Sadaqah Jaariyah (continuous charity) on his behalf and it reaches him, will he know that it came from me? Or will it reach him without him knowing where it came from? May Allaah have mercy upon him and reunite me with.. More
Assalamu alaykum. I intend to donate Islamic books/Quran to an orphanage so that its reward reaches my father, grandfather and my cousin brother (who all passed away). Is it permissible/recommended to print their names on the books. Will the reward be divided between the three or will they be rewarded fully for this deed. May Allah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaikum warahmathullah..., I have heard and read that.. Ibn Taymiyyah approves reciting 70 , 000 repititions of la ilaha illa Allah , and sending its blessing to a dead person , when he was asked about this ( Majmu Al- Fatawa , 24 / 324 ) Is this true?
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We are a group of employees. We had a colleague who worked with us but he died, may Allaah The Almighty Have mercy upon him. We collected a sum of money for him. Is it better to give this sum to his children or give it in charity to build a Masjid (i.e. mosque) so that it becomes an ongoing charity for him? We need a Fatwa about this matter... More
Please help us regarding a case when some inheritors settled the debt of the deceased from their private wealth and, thereafter, it was discovered that the deceased had wealth of his own. Are they allowed to be refunded from the wealth of the deceased for what they spent, since they did not know that he had wealth of his own and they only paid the debt.. More
As a continuous charity on behalf of my late mother, can we construct a masjid on her behalf? If not can we donate funds to re-construct or renovate a masjid ? Will the rewards of this good deed be the same for constructing new masjid and renovation of a masjid? .. More
Asalam alyqum I want to know how about islam tell concerning the person who die but the time he/she alive never prayed Could he/she allowed to pray for him/her
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Salaam Alailukn, Sir, can a mosque, well, or orphanage be made on other's name or on their behalf like parents, brothers etc. Is it also true that the reward (if made on their respected names) of constructing these wells or mosque will be entirely delivered to those on whom they were named. And will one who constructed on their behalfs also rewarded?.. More
How can I now benefit my brother who has committed suicide?
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Will my deadfather and dead grandmum get the reward of prayers and alms given on their behalf,though they died as non muslim?If not what can be done on their behaif... More
Assalamualikum.I would like to ask two question. My fiance last month had gone in jammat for 40 days and there he got swin flu in which he month we were suppose to marry but he is no more. he wanted to perform hajj next year with me, can i do hajje badal on his behalf or ask some body else to do.what all prayer should i say for him for his.. More
a muslim man had illicit relations with a muslim woman. The woman is now dead, the man wants to recite Quraan or give charity in order to give her sawab... More
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