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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs, is it a condition to keep the date from the Islamic calendar in mind when fasting? For example, if I plan to fast on the 19th of Shawwaal, do I need to keep the date for my fastin mind for it to be valid? I have the same question regarding the month of Ramadhan. If not, I do do that during.. More
Both a compensatory fast and the fasting of oath expiation are due on me. At the same time, I have the power to fast, and I wish to fast like the fasting of Prophet Dawood (David), may Allah exalt his mention. In the days that I fast, I like to combine the rewards of the compensatory and expiatory fasts in addition to the reward of the fast of Prophet.. More
How do residents of mountainous areas fast and pray? What is the fatwa of Sheikh Ibn Baz?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. This Ramadhan, I checked on the 14th day of my menses, a few mins before Fajr, and I strongly felt that was pure and decided to fast. Then, after the Fajr, I decided to make sure by rechecking the purity and found impurity so I broke my intention. Did I do wrong? I had to take a decision and.. More
Is waking up to have the predawn meal considered a valid intention for fasting?
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There is a person whom Allah has guided to revert to Islam on the 26th of Ramadan. Is he required to fast? How should I explain this matter to him? Please advise!
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Asalamu alikum, When I was young I fasted but i was not very much practicing back then and had little knowledge but now I have more knowledge about intention, I am do not know what my intention was, I am confused about what my intent was , so should I make it up and also I do not know when I reached puberty.
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If the azan for the Maghrib (sunset) prayer is called but redness remains from the sun, is it permissible to break my fast?
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As far as I remember, I used to fast in Ramadan and would sometimes break it for some days. But I am not sure whether I was already an adult when I did so or not.
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Assalamu alaikom, I have some days to make up from last ramadan and on one day I thought of fasting but with the condition that I wake up for suhoor,because I work in a childcare and tend to get really weak if I don't have suhoor.But what happened is I fell asleep and then woke up about an hour before fajr.I looked at the clock and said to myself I.. More
Committing a major sin such as zina (unlawful sexual intercourse) or drinking alcohol during daytime in Ramadan surely invalidates the fasting, but what is the ruling concerning someone who commits a major sin such as riba and shaving the beard during Ramadan daytime?.. More
Is it permissible to fast in Ramadan with the intention of fulfilling a specific vow?
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Assalamalikum,my doubt is regarding the missed fasts.I wanted to keep my missed fasts so i made intention that i will fast five days continuously,but due to some reason i cudnt fast 2 days in between nd for my fast next day,my niyah was something like this "if i am able to wake up for fajr than i will fast" but with Allah's grace i woke up for fajr.. More
Before dawn, at the end of my menstrual period in the month of Ramadhaan, I expected the bleeding to end during the day - knowing that it was the last day of it – so I made the intention to fast. No blood appeared throughout the day and I performed Ghusl (i.e. ritual bath) half an hour before Maghrib.
Is my fasting of this day counted or.. More
A man stood up to pray the ‘Ishaa’ shortly before the break of dawn in Ramadhaan. Then he remembered that he did not make his intention to fast. The time was so limited that if he broke the prayer to make his intention to fast, the fixed time of the prayer would expire by the break of dawn. On the other hand, if he completed the prayer first,.. More
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