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I am a widow. My late husband left 3 children (2m, 1f) from his previous marriage (1st. wife divorced). After his death, I adopted a son, since I didn't have any children with him. He is survived by his 2 parents, 3 siblings, 5 nephews & nieces. When he died, he left behind some money and credit card debts. At his funeral, some money were given by his.. More
my father died in 1992 and my mother died in 1996. he left a house in which the family lived. now this house is going to be sold to distribute the shares to heirs which are 6 daughters and 3 sons. so what will be the distribution. my father has not said any waseeyat and he has no loan. how could we tackle our mother's share... More
My father married a women with 2 kids from her previous marriage. we are three from his previous marriage that ended due to our mother's death. My father never showed us her will and never told us what she willed for us. He decided to do the distribution himself.Which he has still not completely done. He now tells us we have to right to ask as what.. More
my father in law died n left a house in which his widow and two sons are living with their families. other siblings live in other houses. all have their own houses except mu husband as he could not afford to buy or rent a house. he is living in poor condition. other heirs allow them to live in the ame house n not sell it. Is it permissible to live both.. More
aslam alaiykum,
am married who is looking after my childeren and am in debt,this debt i had was when i start renting house,moving severly times and didnt think that i will be in that much debt and after couple years that i didnt think about paying the debt now i start paying by instalement payment whice might takes 4/5year and if i die before that.. More
Salamu Alaykoum
A 66 years old man had a terminal cancer. During his last days he sold all of his properties to his only wife therefore preventing his 3 male sons from inheriting him supposedly because he doesn't his wife to get a small inheritance. Is that legal? What should the sons do in order to get their share of the inheritance.
Regards.. More
Assalamu Alykum,
Dear scholars, I have a question regarding the distribution of property. My father has three sisters, all of them married and a younger brother who is also married. Few years back my grandfather distributed some part of his property to his daughters. The rest of the property hasnt been distributed yet. But it is sure that he (grandfather).. More
Aslaam-u-Alaikum. I have a question about the shares of the inheritence of my Late Brother.My brother died in a car accident and by then he was not doing anything on his own he was a nominated directoe in my Father's company. He was married , and had two sons age 3 and 5 on his death in 2006. After iddah his wife left my father's house cos she wanted.. More
My mother died recently. She left some money that she in a bank account which my father did not know about and was not his. She asked one of my sisters to equally distribute this amongst all her daughters after she died. Unfortunately, she died before she could open a joint bank account with my sister, so that my sister could carry out her wishes. Now.. More
As Salam O Alaikum!
Our family consisted of parents, TWO sisters & SIX brothers. Over 40 years ago, our father purchased land and initiated construction of a house out of his meager resources. Later on, a house building loan was arranged to complete the ground floor of the house. My father, out of love, registered the property in the name of his eldest.. More
Asalam o Alaikum.
How and in what perecentage are we going to distribute the inheritence of a woman with the following relatives:
a). Husband alraedy died
b). No children of her own
c). One brother already died with 3 sons and 5 daughters all alive
d). One sister already dead with 4 sons ( 1 son missing with family left behind) and.. More
my father no more inthis world he left 2 houseses one house he transfer in our two brothers names in his life one house still on his name i want to ask u we r two brothers n 2 sisters how we distribute hese property .. More
As Salaamualaykum, my grand parents left a property with 2 brothers and 4 sisters and expired among sisters one is my mother, my elder uncle use to take care of whole property its maintanance development etc., and he has purchased a peice of land and constructed a house on it and gave to his younger brother as his share and after 20 years my elder uncle.. More
My mother wants to make a wasia (will) for myself, a brother and a sister, such that my brother would take the accomodation and my sister and i would take the cash available. The reason for the decision is my brothers need for the accomodation and to avoid the possiblity of conflict over the sale of the accomodation to divide the mirath as per shar3... More
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