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I have two questions that I would like to get your opinion on.
1) My father has just passed away, he was a man who dedicated his life to educating me and my brothers, and put a great value on education because he was not blessed with it at his youth. During his life he has prescribed an oral will to my mom, this will is to secure an amount.. More
I am getting the benefit from your Fataawa and answer may Allaah bless you with His Mercy. My question is that my elder brother took over all the properties as he is telling us that father gifted to him and father borrowed some money from him and last 4 years he used the properties according to his wish and the rents all. My question is that whatever.. More
My father left behind 600 acres of agricultural land and 3000 sq. yards of residential property with a built up house on it. After my father's death, my uncle had the names of my mother and all of her children put on the lease, as rightful successors.
The heirs of my late father are his wife (my mother), two sons and four daughters (including.. More
I am a 32-year old female unmarried Muslim with 3 children from a previous marriage if I inherit a lump sum of money who should I distribute the money among first I have a mother, father, brother, sister (married and in need), sister married and doing good and I am the sole supporter of my children with Allaah's Help first and my parents and family's.. More
I have a question and I hope you can help me to find the answer. Its about the inheritance of my sister she passed away 3 weeks ago. My father and mother still living. We are still 2 brothers and 2 sisters. She left about 31276,00 Egyptian pounds. And gold with a value of 15485,00 Egyptian pounds. My question is how to re-part this.
And 2nd my.. More
A man died leaving behind a son. The man, also, had another son who had died before him. The son who had died before his father left a son. Does the grandson share, equally with his uncle, his grandfather's wealth? .. More
I understand the importance of being kind and considerate towards widows and orphans. Our family has helped the needy relatives numerous times. Does financial help includes wealthy widows and orphans? We live overseas, 2 sisters and 4 brothers. We built a house from my dead mother's inheritance and some of his pension. And the house is in our.. More
My Father has 2 wives, 1st wife my mother died long ago left 3 sons, 1 daughter. 2nd wife my step-mother alive have 1 son, 7 daughters. How to distribute properties each one shares. .. More
After my father death my elder brother took over all the properties and now it is almost 4 years he is occupied and taking all the rents and from that rents he is giving some money to my mother for monthly expenses. Now I want you tell me what is the Quran and Hadeeth says about my elder brother on this act. No one is happy by this action because.. More
I wanted to know the rule of inheritance (Meeras) according to Shariah. If a person had a daughter, wife and four brothers, and he died. How his wealth will be divided. .. More
My brother took my money from my dad inheritance, I tried to take them but he refused can I sue him because there is no other way to take my money. Three years I am trying to speak with him but he refused to give me anything. .. More
This is going to be a rather lengthy email. Please forgive but I want to give details if you allow me. 3 years ago my father passed away. My family consists of my mother, we are three brothers and one sister. Prior to his death, one of his assets, a shop was being rented by my sister and she paid approx 17000-20000/month rent to him. The.. More
I have this inheritance problem that I need your help clarify and solve. A) A man dies. His total assets are 3000,00. B) He is survived by his 1 wife, 3 daughters, and his 2 parents. C) How much does the wife get? D) How much do the 3 daughters get? E) How much do his 2 parents get? .. More
I have a brother who is 10-years older than me and is not married. Our both parents died and we don't have uncles or cousins from our father side. I am married and I have a son who is 17-years old. If he dies, do I inherit him entirely? .. More
My dad passed away 6 months ago and during his life mother used to always complain from him which has made us resent him but not show it to him and at the same time being respectful and obedient. I now very much regret it and regret not being able to spend as much time with him due to my busy schedule. What shall I do to ask God for forgiveness?
I.. More
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