assalamualikum,recently ,y cousin sister took admission into engineering college .here engineering colleges are co education i.e boys and girls study in the same class .during the time of admission she asked me to help her out with admission .since intermingling of boys and girls is not allowed in islam , now i feel i was source of guidance for her.. More
If a husband asks his wife to stop working outside house, as he fulfills all her needs basic as well as extra, (even her work is done by house maid). Moreover, he told his wife before marriage that he might stop her to work whenever he wants. Her excuse is that she works in prada (Hijaab) and she is a doctor, and Istakharah fovours her job... More
Asslemu alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa baraketuhu, I´m a sister living in Germany. I became Muslima 4 years ago alhamdulillah and I decided quite early to wear niqab while I didn´t more feel good out showing my face. Nowdays I still wear it but I take it off when my parents (they are not muslim and live abroad) come here to visit us while they accepted.. More
Dear Scholar, Assalamu Alaykum. I am seeking answers for the following questions: 1) As I know, a Muslim woman’s ‘Awrah in front of other Muslim women is from the navel to the knee, just as it is for a man in front of another man. So, it is permitted to see the area above the navel and below the knee of a man. Similarly, is it permitted.. More
Assalaamu'alakum I have intention to employ a female muslim maid from a different country. Is it ok for her to travel to my country without her mahram? Is it ok for her to stay in my house with my family and she has no mahram with her? Sometimes my wife is not at home and I and my children are left with the maid, is it ok? How about if I am left.. More
I have question about dressing modestly. A lady in our community who gives us dars, insists that our hijab is not complete without wearing a jilbab or abaya. She says that in the Quran it says that we must wear jilbab or abaya like covering over our clothes. Many of us feel that as long as our clothes are not revealing and do not show the our body.. More
Asslamuu' Aliykum brothers my question is i want to wear niqaab and before i wear it i want to know the niqaab rules and i heard once u wear it u can't take it off is that true? advice plzz. .. More
with refrence to fatwa 90900 i further like to clearify that i have read in books that our prophet PBUH have visited an sahabi home along with some companions and the wife of that sahabi had serve dinner to them , and i also read many times that a wife can sit with husband and serve husband guests , so my point is that why can't the wives sit.. More
May Allaah forgive me, I am a 25 year old Muslim female who has recently started to practise my faith as I have never really had much knowledge on my Deen, I have been living in an apartment with my Muslim friend and her Muslim boyfriend, neither are family members of mine, nor do they practice their faith. Is it permissible for me to live with them.. More
Is it allow for a father or male to change his daughters' dippers or not? .. More
Can a woman 73 years age live as a house keeper in the home of another man who is also Muslim but not practising? The woman is divorced since a long time and has been living in the house of this man as house keeper and cook. They live decently and have separate rooms to sleep. The gentleman looks after her and takes her in his car for shopping etc... More
I have a problem which has been disturbing me very much for a long time. Many years a go I went to law school, in order to pay for my education I had to take out federal loans, which have fixed loan. At that time I never realized that loans with interest was Haraam. I never even thought about or realized the extreme nature of this action. After I.. More
What is the ruling of sitting in front of a marriageable woman in a bus or at school? .. More
If it is forbidden for a woman to look at what Allaah has forbidden her to look at in another woman with the exception of the arms, legs, neck and head, so is it permissible for a her to look at the body of another woman when she is having a bath and she asks her to scratch her back?.. More
Is it permissible for me to examine the wife of the son of my niece?.. More
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