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773 fatwas

  • Niqaab is not peculiar to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam,’s wives

    Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah ... Dear Shaikh, Dr. Zakir Naik, a very famous muslim scholar of comparative religion (from India), the command of Allaah (SWT) in the Holy Quraan concerning covering of the face (NIQAAB) is directed only towards the blessed wives of the Prophet (SAW), because of their high status (Mothers of the Believers). Please advice.. More

  • A female teacher in a mixed staff school

    in maldives,there's not a single secondary school where only female teachers are,can i being a teacher work in a school where there are both male and female teachers working? .. More

  • Women revealing their adornment to men who lack physical desire

    asalaamu alikum i have heard that men who are asexual(meaning that they have no sexual desire) can enter upon women, talk with women freely, and so forth just as a mahram can do. The reasoning, I have been told is because an asexual has no sexual desire towards women, so it is ok. My Imam told me this, and he is a very respected Imam. I am just asking.. More

  • A woman being massaged by another woman

    Assalmualikum.... If someone is getting body massage (nacked) by an older women after giving child birth for her weakness, is it permissible in Islamic Law? .. More

  • A female student asking about the permissibility of treating men during her studies

    ASSALAMOU ALEIKUM, I would like to thank you for the attention you will give to my question : Iam a woman, iam student in medicine and i would like to know in chaa allah if the necessity to have doctors in our oumma, allows me to treat on men during my studies in France (without any emergency, but for my studies only), Indeed i cannot study medicine.. More

  • Women going out to entertainment places

    Salam 3alaikum, The planet is a vast one. Staying in the house with nothing to do allows for the breeding of destructive thoughts. I am a Muslim, and I believe that women, just like men, have the right to enjoy the public space. So when I hear that as a woman I can't go out to movies, to cafes, to merely hang out with friends, I questions the concept.. More

  • Muslim women going to hairdressers in non-Muslim countries

    Salam aleikum! I am a converted Muslim woman from 15 years and I am living in Romania. I know that a non-muslim women can see at Muslim women only what men can see (the face and hands).So, how do I have to be dressed in front of my mother, my sister and my housemaid .Is there any fatwa regarding in this problem for us who are living in non-Muslim.. More

  • Conditions for women practicing Da‘wah

    Some women from my family, together with other girls, want to go out for Da‘wah to our neighbours and other women in the neighbourhood, calling them to Allaah. Is this a correct means of Da‘wah? If it is correct, what is your advice to them? If not, what is a suitable means for practicing Da'wah?.. More

  • Woman using mobile phone in front of non-Mahram men

    CAN I USE A CELL phone outside in front of non mahram thank you may allah have mercy on you... More

  • A non-Mahram seeing the photo of a woman when she was a child

    Assalaamu alaikum, A sister is asking the following question, "what is the ruling on a non-mahram seeing pics of you without hijab when you were younger? Say for example pre-pubescent early teen years and below, all the way to 4-5 years of age. Some of the nearer pics give an indication of what you look like w/o hijab presently, so what is the ruling?".. More

  • Works with alien men who commit prohibitions and practice innovations

    SALAM,my question is that,if a woman doesnt go to jumah to pray,is it compulsory for her to delay her prayer until the jumuah prayer has been performed or can she pray after the adhan with intention that she is praying dhur. can a woman recite loudly in salat alone or with her fellow sisters? it is acceptable to say SUBHANA RABIYYAL AZEEM OR RABIYYAL.. More

  • Attending a videotaped mixed wedding

    Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Can we attained or eat in the marriage Ceremony in which video taping(Camera) is going? Remember that Alhumdulillah i dont come in video or in camera in any function but i want to know what is the ruling on attaining this types of marriages, My another question is In our all types of functions mens(cousins.. More

  • Dress of a female aerobic teacher in a women – only gym

    Assalam aleikom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.May Allah be pleased with u for ur efforts to help the others.I have a question.Insha Allah I am going to work as aerobic teacher in a private club just for women.How should i get dressed?From what i have read the pants are haram but in the same time i can't wear skirt.Please help me.JazakaAlah hair.. More

  • Lives far from husband and uses birth control to continue her study

    alsalam 3alaicom I am a muslim girl, i live in France with my parents and i got married last summer. my husband works in Kuwait and i stay in France in order to continue studying in my engeneering school. I'd like to know if it is 7alal to live far from my husband just in order to be an engineer, and i want to know if its 7alal to take contraceptive.. More

  • Narrations about woman’s travel without a Mahram

    All perfect praise due to Allah peace and blessing upon His noble prophet forever, Ameen! Now a days, some scholars allow women to go to Islamic countries, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and so forth, without a Mahram, for studying or working. Their Dalil is the Hadith of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) the closest meaning “time will arrive that a women.. More