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assalaumualikum. a sister has got a proposal from a good practising muslim should we deal with this.? the boy's family has aslo conveted to islam about 9 years back.what advice would you give to someone who acts superior over the converts? the proposal has already been accepted and the girl's family really likes the boy and there is only.. More
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM My family is muslim by name, i grew up without having much islamic surroundings, so after my mother and father divorced, my mother married a christian man. I have told her this isnt right and she cant marry him and that her marriage is void but because my mother isnt practicing muslim she doesnt care. Alhamdulillah i was guided and.. More
My muslim(bohra) friend married a hindu guy, there were in luv & she hoped to revert him to islam. But it nvr happnd & instead she got lost too. But inspite of everythin her faith hd not died, she ws overall unhappy wit the situation & all the rituals she ws hvng to do there. Its been 10 yrs for their marriage & she hd a 5 yr old daughter... More
What are the views of the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali madhabs on whether it is better to have only one wife or more than one wife as a general rule?
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Asalam mu alaykum sheikh a guy who is religiously committed and reads quran and sunnah learns deen on daily basis perform prayers but somtimes misses fajr prayer do things which are haram in islam...and thinks tht if he will marry a religious woman thn she will help him in faith and help him to get out of all those sins or he should not choose a woman.. More
Dear scholar, If a person gets engaged and after couple of months his fiancee loses his/her eye sight accidentally than what Islam advice should he get married with him/her or it is allowed to break the engagement because of this disability and if someone get married then what would be the reward for him
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My friend married a hindu lady and had a daughter with her about 15 years back , he stayed with her for some years and divorced her and then married another muslim pious lady , he told the second wife that his parents had forced him into his first marriage which was a lie and that the marriage lasted only 2 months and lied that he did not have a daughter.. More
Salam Alaikum, I have decided to take a second wife in an intension of having child. We have no kid and we fostered (guardianship) a baby girl by a legal process. My wife is barren. She refused to give me official permission for taking a 2nd wife which is required by Bangladesh law. Her logic is that she can't share me with any other women and can't.. More
I am a Christian who is about to get married to one muslim guy. I would like to ask if once we are married is he allowed to drop me to christian church. Thank You for your time .. More
Me and my friends have made many people gathered in a public place and like an event but did not tell what is it about. When all the people gathered i asked my fiance for the marriage proposal as a public proposal. She doesn't know about it. She cried and i hugged her in front of many people. are these kinds of public proposals allowed in Islam. .. More
Asssalamualaikum Respected shaykh, I am a student. I had a teacher who used to teach me, but after sometime she left. She is a muslim teacher. I am still in contact with her. My question is can I have a voice call or chat with her ? I am a boy of 14 yrs and my teacher is around 15 - 20 years older than me. I really like my teacher very much. I did not.. More
I have quite a long-explanation question to ask you, but in brief: I am a European woman married to a Palestinian man as a second wife. We married more than one year ago but we knew each other for two years already and my husband used to be in a situation of adultery before we sealed our destinies before Allah. I precise that I converted to Islam (I.. More
As-salamu aleykum, I am Aparna, 21, Hindu. My boyfriend is Muslim, 21. We were friends for the past 5 years. We have been in a relationship for six months. I am ready to convert to Islam. I already started accepting that " there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammed is His last Messenger", but his family is against it. So many times they have warned.. More
Salamualaykum. I am single and 36 years old, and trying to be a practicing muslim according the manhaj of our salaf and al hamdulellah, I can say that if I were to marry someone in the future I would treat her well inshaAllah. At the same time I am struggling from the fitna of the women because I work in downtown Toronto. I find that it is not easy.. More
Assalamu alaikum, Thank you very much for answering my questions. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless you for your kind efforts. I hope you don't mind me asking questions one after another. I am really scared about a lot of questions and you are answering many of them Alhamdulillah and helping me a lot. I am 21, male. For a personal reason I do not.. More
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