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My family is arranging for my marriage. I agreed with the condition that I should see the girl first and then marry if I like her. But one of our elders cited a Hadith that the boy can see the girl only if he has decided to marry her. I agreed with the terms of this Hadith before everyone and in sound mind. When the girl was shown to me, I did not like.. More
My friend is a Muslim whose classmate is a Kafir girl she likes him very much and want to marry him and ready to convert to Islam but my friend does not like her what is the rule of Sharia in this matter. If God knows our future and he is able to judge now our future, then what is the use of testing our faith?
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The Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jew women. Does that mean that Christians and Jews will go to Paradise by following their religion, which is a false religion?
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I'm a Pakistani student in Romania studying dentistry. There are two converted Muslims from Christianity, both are Romanians. One woman is a widow, her name is Fatimah and her daughter who is 19, studying in law school, her name is Najwa. Both became Muslim last October Fatimah and Najwa in 1st of Ramaza. I want to ask it I have a right to marry (Najwa)?.. More
Is it possible for Muslim men to marry more than one and up to four wives without any reason?
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Assalamu Alaikum, I have been having such a hard time in finding someone to help me out in answering my questions, but, Alhamdu lillah, a friend recommended your site and I will, Insha Allah, finally be at rest with answers and, Insha Allah, be able to change my life for the best. I am a Muslim girl, 25 years old. I spent my adolescence and adult life.. More
I am married with a Christian woman; we have 4 children together... I am trying my best to teach my children about Islam. They pray with me. My wife doesn't tell them about Christianity and she tells them to make the prayer even if I am not at home...My problem is that a friend told me to leave her, but I won't do this because I am afraid for the future.. More
If a Muslim woman 25 years of age has no help from her family in finding a suitable husband what can she do? I am from Somali living in theUK my parents will not look for a husband for me or my sisters, and there are 6 of us. In our culture the woman's family can't look for husbands, it has to be a male that approaches your family and that is not always.. More
This question is a little bit confusing but I wish you could help me in -1 this regard. Actually a friend of mine is already engaged to a Muslim girl. Last year he happened to meet this Christian lady and he explained and spread Islam to her through internet. Now she is willing to convert to Islam and my friend wants to marry her "just because" he wants.. More
I saw on an Islamic site that it is encouraged for people to marry someone of a different culture; the reasoning is that this helps to reduce racial prejudice. Is this true? Please provide reference in the Quar'an... More
Dear Brothers, As I am a Muslim living in Canada. I go to College. I met a girl who said that she is interested in me. I have never had a girl friend so far because I know it is prohibited to be in contact with a woman who is not my wife. But this girl is annoying me and I feel that I love her and want her. I told her that if she wants to marry me and.. More
I'm a divorced woman who converted recently. My boyfriend is from Algeria and actually wants to move on with me, but his parents do not accept me. What does the Quran say about getting married with a divorced woman? Is there a chance to convince his parents that I'm not a bad person, nor a person of 2nd class? His parents judge without knowing me. Is.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum! I am a second wife, and my husband alternates nights between me and his other wife. Recently, I went for three weeks to visit my parents, my siblings, and my two children from a previous marriage. All of them live in a different state. This visit was with my husband's permission. My husband spent those three weeks with his other wife... More
When I went to my country a couple of years ago, men would propose to me because I have Canadian citizenship. Every one of them wanted to marry me in the hopes that I would bringhim to Canada. Since I found this to be very offensive, I told everyone that I would not marry anyone who does not have a passport of an English country. Is this fair?
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I'm writing to seek your advice on the following matter. Over a month ago my father passed away, but only ten days earlier my sister, the only daughter in the family, was engaged. Every detail from the venue of the Nikah & Walima had been arranged including the Mahr whilst my father was still alive. Two weeks after the janazah my sister's fiance'.. More
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