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1517 fatwas

  • Said 'my wife is free for ever' unintentionally

    I got married few months ago. I spent 3 weeks with my wife in Karachi and came back to Toronto to resume my job. After few weeks we both got some arguments. I controlled on myself by saying any bad or wrong words to her. As time passes there was something started coming in my mind that I should leave her (means divorce her) and this feeling was.. More

  • Her husband objects to her attending Islamic gatherings

    Your website is both respected by both myself n my husband so that is why I have resolved to ask you advice for the ongoing disputes I have with my husband of 6 years. Please help me. I am not in talking terms with his mother and sisters because I felt that they were invading my privacy to make decisions for my family and they would always remind my.. More

  • Irrevocable divorce signed by husband in front of witnesses

    I sent a question before but actually the answer given to me does not resolve my question. The link was The divorce already happened in front of Shaykh (registrar+2 witness) and a divorce certificate is issued for the third time and after that the husband claims.. More

  • Seeks to obtain Khul' from her husband whom she knew through the Internet

    I need someone to answer I'm lost I meet someone on the net last 2-years and we meet we get married Islamic way with witnesses in Australia. I love him so much but he has no job when we meet he said to me he has exam to pass then will be together I wait for 2 years nothing happen he never had his exam now I'm in the USA he is in Sydney we don't.. More

  • What to do with negligent abusive husband

    I would like ask question about marriage, my relative, Al-Hamdulillaah is married 7 month ago from today I'm writing. The wife is most patient person I ever seen she does have her downs but the husband, Subhanallah is worst husband a wife can ever ask for Allaah. He is alcoholic, smoker, does come home some nights, he does not support her financially.. More

  • Intended to take back his divorced wife, but didn't until her Iddah expired

    The time of Iddah went out and my well was to return my wife back, but she didn't want. Do I consider that I've returned her back just because of my "Neyyat" was to take her back before Iddah time went out? We have had intercourse just few days after Iddah time expired. .. More

  • Needs divorce papers but her ex-husband procrastinates

    My husband divorced me over the phone one year ago from another country one year ago and until today he didn't process the paper work for the divorce. He visited his daughter here in England few times and I asked for this papers and his answer always he doesn't have time or the routine in his country is very slow? I'm 37 years old and I want to.. More

  • Lives in a non-Muslim country with her jobless husband

    I need your advice I'm 22-years old I was married since I was 15 also have 2 kids my marriage was based on lies my husband had a house when we got married but shortly after we were married sold it and sold all of my gold I had as a present to me in the marriage he had to pay his debits with it we were left with nothing we left the country and.. More

  • His non-Muslim wife invites her friends to drink wine at home

    I would like you to advice me on the following subject Insha Allaah; I am married to non-Muslim woman; sometimes the relation goes very tense. I am finding it hard to convince her about things that she doesn't believe in and particularly we have two kids together. She thinks I am not flexible and I see everything not allowed or forbidden. I'll.. More

  • Unhappy with her husband and is unable to do household chores

    I have been married for almost five years now with 2 kids and I am expecting one next year. I am a depressed housewife; I have not been able to satisfy my husband in anyway ever since we got married.I have used my entire married life to seek ways of pleasing him that I have even lost my strength in making Ibaadat to my creature. I can't concentrate.. More

  • His wife insists on working in a mixed workplace wearing make up

    Actually I married a woman 1 year ago and she was working in mixed environment. I was hopping to be better religion wise and give work with mixed environment day by day. I couldn't tolerate her working with men so I asked her to look for women environment to work with. Because I can't tolerate her to be work with men any more especially she is pretty... More

  • Wife stole her employer's money and had an affair with another man

    I live in France and I have been married for 6 years with a wife that her father was obliging her to work as a singer in Egypt (my wife is from Egypt). She came with her father to sing as he has a contract with a hotel. I married her to get her out of this and dirty environment, we were happy, I was helping her family with money to live, I.. More

  • Her husband wrote her divorce twice

    I would like to ask about Talaaq, I have been having problems with my husband since we got married. One day we had a fight, and I told him I want a divorce, and he asked me how many I want, I told him one. So he wrote me one Talaaq in paper and gave me. But I asked and I was told its not valid. So I didn't take it serious, then we went on with our.. More

  • How to deal with a couple who live together after three divorces

    One man wrote one letter to his wife saying that we can't continue and am giving three Talaaq. After few months he is back to her and they are continuing their relation, what should be my stand on this, as I go to their house and eat at their house, shall I have to stop the relation with them? Very few people know about this, do I need to.. More

  • Married through the Internet and husband disappeared without notice

    I'm married with a man through internet. Now he leaved me without any announce and doesn't response me. What can I do? .. More