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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband spits on her face

    I would like to know if my husband spit in my face to punish me (even though its nothing bad that I do) is it aloud in the Islam to do that, and if not aloud will he be punished. I always tell him its not right for him to do that but he never listens, please answer my question before it gets out of hand... More

  • Wants a divorce but worried about her young daughter

    I have no relation with my husband for more than three years. We are living in the same house but we don't even sit with each other. I hate him for what he is. I demanded divorce but he wants to keep torturing me and did not agree. I have a three years old daughter, if I go for 'Khula' I may lose her. I am educated and earning and more capable.. More

  • Wife doubts his loyalty

    I have been married for 6 years and my wife doubts my loyalty to her everyday up to now. I did mistakes before, but I regret doing them. What should I do?.. More

  • Vowed that his fiancée is like his mother to him for the rest of his life

    I intentionally vowed by Allaah not to marry my fiancée. I also vowed that she is like my mother to me for the rest of my life. I did all these intentionally while knowing what I was doing. My question is that can I marry the same lady or she is Haraam for me. Please explain because we seem to be coming closer once again and marriage is an important.. More

  • Problems adjusting to her (Iddah) waiting period

    Will I be committing a sin if I am in the Iddah (divorced waiting period) and continue with my Dr's apts.? My husband does not have a house or apt. I either stay at my parent's house or my brothers' house which is near the hospital. I do wear full Hijaab, no makeup and do not go out for fun or parties, only when it is extremely necessary. S.. More

  • Waiting period of a divorcee who has her periods irregularly

    When a man divorces his wife for the first Talaaq or the second Talaaq, he can return her or make Raj'a with in three Iddah periods. If the wife is using preventive bills, and is having periods (Iddah) irregularly, i.e., some times she is not having it for months, on other occasions she might have menstruation two or three times in a month,.. More

  • Insulted her husband for having a second wife

    My husband and I have been married for 7 years. We have been separated for about half of this time. We are separated now and I am 6 months pregnant. After finding out I was pregnant he told me that he had taken a second wife a year ago. I was very upset because he did not tell me for so long and I feel very betrayed by him. I told him I want him.. More

  • Divorce on paper with intention

    May Allaah reward you for the efforts putting in by you to guide the Ummah. I've been passing through a painful life with my wife; she never regarded me, she has been so stubborn and non-compromising. To address her attitude I used all the possible means in Sharee'ah but in vane. During this period I uttered once Word Divorce and later we.. More

  • Her husband watches pornography and masturbates

    I got married last year, and before marriage, I told my fiancé at the time, that there are two unforgivable sins that God may forgive him for, but that I would never. This would be deceiving me, and cheating on me. I found out yesterday that he is periodically going to pornography websites and watching movies about sexual encounters between.. More

  • His wife asks him for divorce for no reason

    I was married to my wife for about a year we were not living together as I was finishing my school and was getting prepared to have proper house for her. I had to visit my parents So I went to Pakistan where they asked me to call her there as she is also from Pakistan, her parents were not there but her other relatives put restrictions for us.. More

  • His mistreated wife left the house and does not want to return

    My problem is with my wife, she left home because she said that she can't stand life with me because I am too harsh with her and because I put her in prison by not allowing her to go to her mum and dad and her sisters, she don't want to return to me now because she said before I went to mosque with her brothers and other witnesses and I swear.. More

  • Disobedient wife believes in graves and magic

    Can a man divorce his wife who doesn't respect him and doesn't obey him also who is believing in black magic and insist her parents to do black magic for her job, visa and so that she can stay happy with me. Also believing in Durgas (where the pious people grave is located) frequently and not believing in the Power of Allaah. Please advice. .. More

  • Uttering the words of divorce without addressing them to one's wife

    1) What if husband and wife discussing a book about Talaaq and he read some words like you are divorced in order to know about divorce? 2) What if someone is confused if meant a divorce or not but saying Kinaya Words? 3) Is intention in divorce means that what he said or what he wants or meant in Kinaya words? 4) Can a husband divorce his wife.. More

  • A widow attending her son's wedding during her Iddah

    A woman is recently widowed, the days of Iddah are not over yet, her son's wedding is approaching so she wants to attend the Nikaah ceremony, as the father is not there so she has to be there, some Mufti has said that she can not see the face of the groom till Iddah, etc., as per my information the night stay without Mahram is prohibited for a widow.. More

  • His wife refuses to give him his money back

    My question is, I gave my wife some money to keep for me now I need it she refused give me back now about three months she no talk me because we're not at the same country? What I have to do? .. More