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1517 fatwas

  • Metaphor of divorce leads to divorce if husband intended divorce

    Asalaamu Alaykum. I would like to know whether the following could be a divorce. We were having an argument, and my husband told me to take my car keys and go to my parents' home. I got mad because when we previouslyhad arguments, he told me many times go to my parents home (but he never intended divorce), and had he said that he would not tell me to.. More

  • Wisdom behind prohibiting divorce during menstruation

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please do not cite other fatwas. Why does the divorce of a woman who is menstruating not count? What is the wisdom behind it? Is the husband required to divorce her after her menses end? .. More

  • Not every expression is metaphor of divorce

    Assalaamu alaykum. I heard somewhere that the noble prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,got married to a woman and that when he wanted to approach her, she sought refuge in Allaah and he then left her, does this mean that pronouncing Isti'aadhah (seeking refuge with Allaah)is a Kinaayah (metaphor)for divorce? Secondly, a brother made a supplication.. More

  • Husband denies divorcing wife three times

    What is the ruling if my husband divorced me three times and then rejected that. There are also two witnesses who also deny it. Many muftis say that I am neither allowed to live with my husband nor to marry someone else until he accepts the divorce. What do you say about this? .. More

  • Not metaphors of divorce

    Please, is any of these four statements a Kinaayah (metaphor)for divorce: - Your Lord will spread out for you of His mercy - Recompense me for that and replace it for me with something better - O Allah, recompense me for that and replace it for me with something better - O Allah, recompense me with something better? .. More

  • Validity of conditional divorce

    Is there any clear proof in the Quran or the Sunnah for conditional divorce? And is the incident of Layla bint Al-ʻAjmaa' valid or is that a myth? If it is valid, then why we are doing somtething that makes the devil happy? Why do we not go towards Allaah, given that Allaah hates divorce? I think that this is the best fatwa; that the conditional.. More

  • Asking for Khul’ because husband lied about second marriage

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married for 15 years and have three kids. My husband has remarried without informing me and has been lying to me for the past year, creating mistrust between us. He has finally admitted his second marriage to me after extensive arguments. I have asked for a divorce as we are not compatible. He does not want to tell his.. More

  • Non-Muslim woman married to abusive Muslim husband

    Hello, please, someone help with advice. I will be short. I am a non-Muslim girl who has been married to a Muslim boy since December 2015. We got married with two witnesses in the mosque in front of the iman. Ever since, we have had a lot of misunderstandings and often fight. I have a very sensitive heart and want some romance and affection from him.. More

  • Expressions that authorize wife to issue divorce

    Assalamu alaykum, Shaykh. I have already written you a query but I could not write my query completely. My query was the following: what if husband always previously said that he cannot give his wife a divorce but that whenever she wants, she always has the right to get a divorce or a Khul' (divorce requested by the wife and for which she returns the.. More

  • He took his wife back against the will of his family

    Assalaamu alaykum, I divorced my wife two months ago under pressure of my family. At the time, I was using anti depressants. Afterwards, I realise my mistake. I again live with my wife now. My question is: do I have to make a new marriage contract, or what is the better solution for me? I need a fatwa in order to satisfy my family. Best regards. .. More

  • Husband's rights after divorce regarding what he spent on his wife

    Assallaamu alaykum. My wife was good after the marriage, but I do not know what happened to her. She became disrespectful towards me and started to say bad words against my parents. She started to accuse me of spending a portion of my monthly income on my parents, whereas I only spend on our home and on her. I even havecredit card debtsbecause of fulfilling.. More

  • Husband does not pray and deals with women in casual way

    Assalaamu alaykum. Do I have enough reason to ask for a divorce? I am currently in the29th week ofpregnancy of my husband's second child. We live different countries, but I try to travel and see him when I can afford it as he does not have a visa to come here. He applied for it but has been refused a couple of times. The quality of my marriage hasdramatically.. More

  • This statement is not conditional divorce

    Dear Brother/Sister, assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether the following phrase is considered a conditional divorce: A man tells his wife, "The day you become angry in this house is your last day here." Thank you. .. More

  • Divorce does not take place by merely signing divorce papers

    Assalaamu alaykum. I seek your advice to, if at all possible, save my marriage. In Q3 2014, I got married to my wife, who was actually my parents' choice, but we both really fell in love with each other. Then my parents started to resent her, said that she has an attitude, is not good with house chores, and is too weak to lead a life and things like.. More

  • Conditional divorce cannot be revoked

    My husband's anger sometimes gets out of control. He was angry with my behaviour and did not want me to share anything personal with his relatives. One day, he started saying things on messages; he said, "If this reaches Faseeh, Fadhim, and their wives (his brothers), then you will automatically be divorced." Afterwards, he realized that it is not a.. More