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1517 fatwas

  • Thinking that one's fiancée is like his mother does not constitute thihaar

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: I thought about my fiancée that she could be like my mother a few hours after a light argument that her and I had on the phone. Is this thihaar? Is it still permissible for me to marry her? I did not say it out loud neither took an oath, but I do remember clearly thinking it in my head, or perhaps I.. More

  • He divorced his wife based on misinformation from her family

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. I have a question concerning my divorce. I was married for nearly four months, and after that I 'divorced' my wife. There was no abuse or disrespect in our treatment, but I treated her coldly and neglected her. After some discussions, we got along with each other and decided to stay together. However, her family insisted.. More

  • Husband said 'yes' after wife set condition for divorce

    Assalamualakum,A while back, my wife and I were going through some very bad times. In one conversation she she said to me "If you do take a second look at a woman, then its 3 talaaks, OK?" I had no intention of divorce, but reluctantly answered "yes". I had effectively lied to my wife, and only answered yes to give her assurance that I would not look.. More

  • He discovered that his wife is not as decent as he thought she was

    Assalaam alaykum. My question is the following: I was engaged with a girl for four years, and then I married her just a few months ago. The reason that I got engaged and married was based upon her practicing her religion, like observing the ijab and so on. During our engagement, I never saw her not observing the hijab in front of any non-mahram (permanently.. More

  • Divorce is effective in an invalidly consummated marriage

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaykh. I married a girl without her guardian, and one day, in anger, I said to her, "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you." I asked this from you before and got the fatwa that if one got married according to the Hanafi way, then it is valid, however, there are two opinions for divorce; some scholars say that it counts as one.. More

  • She wants khul' to marry a man she loves in silence

    I have been married for the past nine years. During this period, my husband has treated me in the worst way. He never spent on me or my children. Rather, I am responsible for his needs and ambitions, such as a new mobile every year and a car, a flat, clothes, and pocket money. He is very cruel to me, uses abusive language, and beats me sometimes. I.. More

  • Ruling on husband's oath never to accept his wife

    Assalaamu alaykum. I recently got married. This marriage was against my husband's will. He took an oath on the Quran, in the name of Allah, that he will never accept me as his wife in this life. Please help, what should I do now. Is this considered a divorce under the 'eelaa'form or just a divorce? Should I end this relation? Please help. .. More

  • Husband's drug addiction is not a reason to ask for a divorce except if harm is feared

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married for ten years and have two boys with my husband. I found out after we got married that he is a drug addict and has a daughter. He has committed adultery and the woman did a paternity test which confirmed that she had his child. There are now other women who claim to also have his child, but I do not know if that.. More

  • Seeking khul' from an abusive, ungrateful husband

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married to my husband for more than nine years. After our marriage, I came to know that he was jobless. I was a school principal, so I continued my job. Later on, I got a good job offer in a Gulf country, so I accepted the offer in order to help my husband settle down. He did not want to work in Pakistan and said that.. More

  • Wife must pay compensation to husband to get khul’

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I need a fatwa. I live in the USA with my wife and our son. My question is the following: my wife is requesting a khul' divorce. I do not want to give her a divorce. What happened is that we (my wife & I) agreed that I take the boy to Egypt for six months to see his family and learn the Arabic language. Everything was.. More

  • She and her husband do not like each other

    Assalaamu Alaikum, I have been married for almost nine years now, and we have two children. I was engaged at the age of 16, I did not like my spouse then (because of an age difference of eight years, his looks, and because he was a doctor and I had not even finished my studies; I was not happy at all). I did not said yes to this relationship, but then.. More

  • Husband is drug addict

    Assalaamu alaykum. My husband and I have been married for 17 years, andhe has been using drugs for much of those 17 years. It has gotten much better, praise be to Allaah, but it has not stopped. He admits it only after he really messes up. A lot of things have gone wrong because of this, to the extend that he has been in an accident and forgotten where.. More

  • How to deal with an abusive husband

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding my husband's behaviour. We got married 11 years ago. In these years, my husband never ever uttered a single word of love to me because he used to talk to me after our engagement. When I forbade him, tried to reserve myself and said that we are were non-mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin) at that point,.. More

  • The divorce of a menstruating or pregnant woman is valid

    Assalamu alaykum Shaykh. I have been married for 3 years. We don't have children. I love my husband so much, and he says that he still loves me, but he cannot be with me. He said that I am a perfect wife, but he has a crazy mind. He always shouts and makes me cry. We tried to reconcile, but he always gets angry so easily. My husband pronounced the words.. More

  • He 'cheated on her' for not gaining weight

    Assalaamualaikum My parents fixed my marriage with the boy of my choice. I knew him when he proposed marriage to me and both the family agreed to it. He is a religious man and is very respectful towards my family too. His only demand was that i gain weight before we get married and due to certain circumstances and my negligence i could not gain weight.. More