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1517 fatwas

  • An irrevocably divorced woman may spend her 'Iddah anywhere but not travel

    Asalamu walaykum wr wb. I have been married for soon 3 years. Our marriage took place sencerly for Allah swt sake, since I didnt speak very long time with my husband befor the marrige took place. Now I have come to the stage where I am sick and tired of my husbands verbacly abuse calling me bad names(names wich makes me want to trow up sometimes). He.. More

  • Her husband divorced her while in a state of anger

    Salam alaykum My husband said in extreme anger (extreme of the kind that we were physically hurting each other) "we are divorced". We therefore thought it counted, although he only said it out of anger. I started observing iddah because we thought we were divorced. We later learned that under extreme anger, divorce does not take place. But, during these.. More

  • Negative impact of divorce before having children is significantly milder

    I have been married for 2 Years now. Still have arguments with my husband. I feel that we can't understand each other. He consistently disrespects me by calling me names. He has a very stubborn personality and has an extremely high self esteem. That he is never wrong. We don't have any kids as yet as I am scared of bringing an innocent child into an.. More

  • His suspicions of his wife made him desert her in bed

    After getting married and during the first night alone with my wife, I discovered that she was not a virgin. This discovery was based not only on signs of bleeding but numerous medical factors. After numerous efforts, she still does not accept this as a fact and I know that she is lying. Nor do I have any reason to believe that she loves me. She is.. More

  • Even an invalid marriage contract requires divorce to end it

    Assalamalkm I m 26, me and my girlfriend ran and married , my wife and me were hiding 4 month from our parents and one day we were caught by police and police handed over my wife to her parents. Nobody knows that we got married except me and my wife. Her families are very rich and powerful, they sent my wife abroad and Idon't know where she is. Now.. More

  • Husband should not honor his mother at the expense of his wife

    Salaam I am hoping You are able to assist me with my problem. I have been married for 11 years and have three children. Recently the last three years of so my husband and I experiencing problems mainly rated to his mother causing problems she verbal abuses me and then denies and when I raised this to my husband he was angry with me stating I was lying.. More

  • Asking for Khul' because husband does not trust most scholars

    Assalamu alaykum wa ramatullah wa barakatuh Bearing in mind that I am only in nikah and wedding hasnt happened yet, I have a question about my right for khula. My husband seems to be suffering from post traumatic syndrome, I feel sorry for him, but I wish to leave him, because he doesnt trust any imams scholars of today; I even mentioned albani and.. More

  • Khul' is effective only if issued by a Sharee'ah court

    Question. What do say the Realtors, Muslim Scholars in religion Islam that one Muhammad had divorced one time his wife in 2003 .Prior to this she had filed a suit in the competent court for "Khulla" in the meantime the court gave decision in her favor. Now both are feeling shy on this decision and want to become husband and wife again. What is the dictum.. More

  • Wife denies having an affair with her cousin

    if wife had a love relationship with her cousin and the cousin asked for forgiveness but the wife out of stubbornness is saying we did not do anything or I did not do anything then what should the husband do? There is evidence pointing to them having an affair with text message and pictures but the wife, out of stubbornness, is saying she don't trust.. More

  • Divorce during waiting period takes effect

    AOA, My husband gave me 2 divroces in Aug 2011 in a gap of one month. After that I got khula in July 2012 according to pakistani law in which my husband was not present for reconcilation and court gave the khula one sidedly.We had a mutual agreement signed by notary public that khula is granted however the execution of khula is left on the will of the.. More

  • Her husband divorced her several times due to his financial problems

    Assalamu Alaikum my nikah was done a year ago and my husband lost his job few months ago and we hav been struggling financially since.. He is in extreme state of anger and sadness constantly as finding a job has been a nightmare.. We are managing at the moment from my salary, which is hardly enough for us to go through the whole month.. I have been.. More

  • Waiting period of a woman who was divorced during menses

    Asallam u Alaikum, if a woman's menstrual blood/period began a minute before husband gave divorce or any other issue that requires waiting for iddah to end, does that cycle that just began count as one cycle of iddah or does she have to wait for this cycle to end and another 3 more cycles ? .. More

  • A Shaykh granted her Khul' without any attempt at reconciliation

    Salam Alaykum, I wanted to ask if i asked for a khulu when in a very angry state and in a mental phsycosis is it a valid khulu? Also I want to ask that the sheik that did the khulu is not a judge or appointed by the court and he granted me khulu 30 minutes after i requested it without any attempt towards resolution solving and he did it over the phone.. More

  • Pronouncing divorce with intention of something else

    Allah bless you. One of my wives was pressuring me to divorce my other wife. She said she would stay with me if my other wife forfeited her nights. In our conversation, I said, "If she doesn't agree to those terms, then she is divorced". However, I may have meant by it not a performative speech act but a declaration of what I would say to my other wife;.. More

  • Wife granted marriage annulment based on false testimony

    I want to send a letter this is regarding nikah fask which my wife obtained despite my strong opposition. The biased was managed and he gave the judgment based on total lies and false charges. I love my wife and I want to keep but my wife's family wanted divorce. Pls give your views on nikah obtained fraudently . .. More