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1517 fatwas

  • 'Iddah starts directly when the husband utters divorce

    I live in USA..and My husband lives in Pakistan. Actually i went to Pakistan last year in August 2013 and took a Divorce from Him. and now we really need to do patch up again.. He signed the Divorce paper on 4th October 2013. and On my Divorce paper the Date is mentioned of 25th September 2013.. and the Union Council they Registered my Divorce paper.. More

  • Wife may ask for divorce if her husband is an adulterer

    Assalamo alikum; I have 2 questions. I shall appreciate if you please answer. 1) Will wife be punished if her husband does not forgive her after accusing her of neglecting him, being disrespectful to him, not responding to each and every call for intercourse, taking care of the wife’s parents more than him etc. 2) Will this wife be punished if she.. More

  • She is a new Muslim but got married to an innovator

    Salamalakum, Im a convert and Sunni and I married a Shia. I contracted herpes after the birth of our son when I finished the postnatal bleeding. The dr told me that I got the herpes virus from the person I had sex with which was my husband. My husband denies it although I have caught him texting, talking and downloading porn to his phone. Can I ask.. More

  • Ruling on a woman whose husband died two hours after concluding the marriage contract

    In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a man who liked to marry, and just two hours after concluding the marriage contract, he died because of a car accident, before consummating the marriage with his wife? Give us a Fatwa in this respect. May Allaah Reward you... More

  • Conditions of effecting divorce over the phone

    I left my husband more than a year ago, and seven months ago, he divorced me via the phone, at different times; some time later, he sent me a divorce paper. Is it considered divorce (valid under Sharee‘ah)? Is it permissible for me to marry now or should I go to the court to get the divorce deed in order to marry? .. More

  • Rulings related to a woman of whom the divorce is revocable

    I have a married sister who has nine children, all of whom are in school. She quarreled with her husband who, in turn, divorced her once after twenty-five years of living together. What is the ruling if they like to return to one another? Is it permissible for the husband to live with them in the same house during the period of ‘Iddah without seeing.. More

  • Her mother-in-law interferes in her life

    Assalamu alaikum! iam really upset with the current situation.i don't know whats right in the eyes of allah.i was married while i was studying and i badly wanted to continue my studies after my marriage and my husband was not against it.But my mother in law never liked me to continue my studies after marriage.Since my husband recommended my father in.. More

  • Ruling on Khul' under coercion

    Slam,i am 26 years old..i had nikah with my cousin in court 3 months ago in the presence of 2 witnesses and molana sahb.we both love eachother with our souls..i spent time with my husband and we had physical relationship as well.i was damn sure that i would made my parents accept this nikah later but when my parents came to know about it they threatend.. More

  • Divorcing one's wife thrice before consummating the marriage

    Assalaamu 'alaykum, A girl got married to a man but he did not consummate the marriage with her. He divorced her in the office of the marriage official; and this situation occurred thrice. Now he wants to marry her again. What is the ruling of religion on that? Some people gave him a Fatwa that it is permissible for him to marry her once again, as.. More

  • Divorce with no just reason does not justify thinking ill of Islam

    I am a woman who was divorced from her previous husband due to his bad morals and treatment and was married to a married man, who had children. Although he failed to satisfy my sexual needs, I made no complaint about that. On the contrary, I was pleased with him, left my job for his sake, and loved his children. I did all of this just to enjoy respect.. More

  • Marriage not consummated for five years is still valid

    Asalamualaikum I have been married for 5years now..and my wedding has not been consummated.. At first, I thought someone cast nazar(evil eye) on me and my husband as I use to have constant dream that I am been attacked.. Then started having issues with mother in law...she was over possessive of her son and so jealous of me that I was so affected n crying.. More

  • Divorce based on false accusation does not take effect

    asam aleikum. Is divorcen under a false accusation still valid? I have written to my wife "Divorced divorced divorced" on the basis of incorrect and false accusation. I dit not intent 3 separate divorces when i wrote it. Shortly after I found out that she was completely innocent. I have read a fatwa that divorce does not count under false accusation.. More

  • How to deal with a spouse with mental disorder

    Asalualikum, I wish to know how to deal with a sociopath spouse (A confirmed case of sociopath/psychopath) who tries to grab all ones resources, is absolutely and utterly irresponsible for his/her actions which hurts everbody around him/her without having any guilt or remourse. Person has ruined marital life of spouse and nothing seems work. Even child.. More

  • Ruling on divorce with the intention of notification and announcement

    I suffer from frigidity (sexual coldness) and psychological disorders and I'm in treatment with a psychiatrist because of obsessive doubts. I also suffer from asthma. I have been married for three years. For fear of causing harm to my wife, I sometimes think about divorcing her. One day, I said to her: “Divorce is the only solution to our problem.”.. More

  • Divorcee wishes to remarry ex-husband after Khul’ but her father refuses

    I am a divorcee who sought Khul’ two years ago, and I have a six-year-old daughter. My ex-husband got remarried so as to forget me, but he could not really move on; hence, he divorced his wife and now he wants to remarry me so that we can live together with our daughter again. I am not opposed to that proposal especially that we got married after.. More