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1517 fatwas

  • Informing future wife about a defect that does not prevent full enjoyment

    Assalamualaikum, I have a difficulty with my penis, this is slighty curved due to injury ( called peyrenie's disease). My erection is nromal. I can have sex with safistaction. But small difficulty with penitration due to curvature. I can feel some pain sometime. Doctor say I have to stay with such condition as long as I am able to have sex. If it.. More

  • Her husband mistreats her and listens only to his mother and sister

    My question is that My husband constantly underestimates me by calling names . He tells his mother and sister all that happens between the two of us. They three are united to an extent that i have no place. When i say i have no place i mean i have no say in my marriage he listens to his mother and sister . He says I am the youngest among them so he.. More

  • Her husband broke his promise to let her work after marriage

    Before i got married my husband agreed that i will work. I now have one child and he says that i should wait untill she is 3 years. This is not our agreement and he has broken his promise. I need to work because he does not provide for me and my child. He only gives us food and shelter, nothing else yet his salary is enough for other things. He.. More

  • Her husband separated himself from her to please his parents

    I was married one and a half year ago while still studying. My father in law said to my husband that I had affair with my teacher and that’s why I am not living with them and also that this is the reason why my teacher was harassing me. I already told them about the problems I was facing before marriage than why they married me, why they did not.. More

  • Her dissolute husband has caused her many financial problems

    Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullah . I have been married for 11 yrs and have 4 children . . 2 boys and 2 girls . My husband has left the home and has asked me that he wants separation or divorce . The reason is that he has started believing we are different people based on my religious commitments . He wants modern life style . He does not want me.. More

  • He gave three written divorces before consummating marriage

    I am an Indian, I work in dubai, Last year when i went to vacation to india i married with a girl who was working in Saudi Arabia. She send the Power of attorney from saudi arabia, base on this i done the marriage. We both are neigbours, at the time of marriage she was working in saudi arabia. After marriage i come back to dubai, My parents was.. More

  • Her husband is careless about his religious commitments

    I have this problem,mu husband is a convert muslim,we been married for 4 years,all this while ,hard to see he pactice his life style in a muslim way ,for instance solat.i got to remind him everytime everyday every moment,but he sure will have reason and will answer me back.So far i can say he only solat 1 time per day.And now another problem came.. More

  • His wife sued him for Khul' and does not let him see his daughter

    Respected scholar, I had been blessed with daughter on 5 March 2012, As my case is under trial in Islamic court. I came to about the birth of my daughter on 9 Mach 2012 from other sources and rushed to meet her but my mother in law did not enter me the room (Hospital) and called up police, for the same I complained in Islamic court. Judge.. More

  • He threatened to divorce her if she went on her trip

    Salam. A husband had misundersting with his wife regarding a trip she intended to make and the husband warned her that if she make that trip, SHE CEASED TO BE HIS WIFE and she still enberk on the trip. Question: does that his pronoucement means single divorce or all in one (3 divorce)- meaning they can not remary again except she marry some one.. More

  • His wife hates him because of her unplanned second pregnancy

    We had 2 children with a gap of just 6 months & my wife had to live in pakistan with IN-Laws for 2nd baby's delivery.She experienced a very hard time with them due to their negative behaviour towards her & my elder son who was few months old by the time she got pregnant with 2nd kid. She was humiliated & joked by other relatives for.. More

  • Her husband kicked her out of his house and does not take care of her children

    I have been troubled by my husband since 14 years, he kicked me out of his hours with the 3 children, and now he is blaming me that i have ran from his house with his children, and jewels. But the fact was he had snached all my jewels and money with all the things given by my parents during the marriage. Everything is in his house, now he is asking.. More

  • Regulations relating to Khul’

    my wifeis claiming khula on the grounds of i went into another marriage i am not paying her maintanance or no contact over year but in reality she always cheated on me i have 3boys age 15,13,and11 i always love them when i caught herwith different affairs she put me in trouble always making false accusation and call the police so many time i am clear.. More

  • Advising husband if he commits a prohibited deed

    I found out that my husband chats online with other women and I do not know what to do with him? We have young daughters whom he prevents from watching satellite channels on the pretext that they violate the rulings of Sharee‘ah. I am not negligent towards his needs. Is it permissible for me to monitor him? What should I do? How can I advise him?.. More

  • Divorce is the most detestable permissible act

    Is divorce the most detestable act to Allaah? Is there any text from the Quran or the authentic Sunnah indicating this meaning? .. More

  • Swearing to divorce one’s wife

    My husband swore that he would make some renovations to our house during a certain period of time and that I would be divorced if he did not complete the work before the specified period ended. What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this?.. More